Schumpeterian Framework


Mind Map on Schumpeterian Framework, created by seanie_32 on 10/01/2014.
Mind Map by seanie_32, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by seanie_32 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Schumpeterian Framework
  1. 4 stages
    1. 1. Conceptualisation
      1. The idea for a technology
      2. 3. Innovation
        1. The commerically feasible product
        2. 4. Diffusion
          1. The subsequent adoption and spread of the innovation
          2. 2. Invention
            1. Establishment of technical feasibility
          3. Sharpness of distinctions
            1. A debate exists as to the sharpness and rigidity of the distinctions
              1. The relation between these stages may change historically
                1. Innovation is only the beginning of the diffusion process and an innovation may be substanially changed in character in diffusion
                2. Need for distinctions
                  1. There is a relative absense in studies of information technology within information science
                    1. Conceptual confusion in information science and information systems, results from both 1) Their absence and 2) their presence in not fully articulated form, without reference to the clarifying framework
                      1. Their adoption in this context should make available a framework which could be used to explore the socio-technical dynamic assoicated with information technologies
                    2. Why conceptualisation is often neglected in the framework
                      1. One possible reason for the neglect of conceptualisation in models of diffusion might be its insubstantiality and elusiveness
                        1. Least tangible of the four
                          1. “I can call spirits from the vasty deep” “Why so can I, or so can any man; but will they come when you do call for them?” – (Henry IV, part 1 Shakespeare)
                          2. The conceptualisation stage can be subject to change after the original idea has been rigorously tested for technical feasibility due to unforeseen problems or perhaps new features being realised during the process.
                            1. Therefore the framework should not be seen as a direct process from conceptualisation to diffusion, but flexible in a way in that stages can be revisited and revised numerous times.
                            2. Analogy to distinctions
                              1. Comparative distinctions made with regard to scholarly communication
                                1. 1. Conceptualisation - Regarded as a dialogue with oneself, or informal conversations with colleagues
                                  1. 2. Invention - Reduction to writing
                                    1. 3. Innovation - Publication
                                      1. 4. Diffusion - Adoption of a text or idea by scholarly or other communities
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