Where did power lie in the Third Reich?


(history) Mind Map on Where did power lie in the Third Reich?, created by wjf 123 on 31/01/2014.
wjf 123
Mind Map by wjf 123, updated more than 1 year ago
wjf 123
Created by wjf 123 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Where did power lie in the Third Reich?
  1. Hitler did not embark on a major overhaul of Germany's administrative structure
    1. Old institutions such as the Reichstag and Cabinet remained, but were virtually powerless. Traditional institutions co-operated with the new regime and adapted to the Nazi system
      1. Power was Concentrated in Hitler as Führer, supposedly representing the will of the German people
        1. Beneath Hitler there was a confusing array of state and party institutions, cutting across each other's jurisdictions but all seeking to work along the lines laid down by the führer
          1. Such a system of jealous rivalries served to enhance Hitler's power
            1. A powerful Hitler myth developed, which portrayed Hitler as a wonderful leader, responsible for all policy successes. This helped make him genuinely popular, and allowed the regime to become more radical
              1. The Nazi Party was far less admired. It became a vehicle for careerism. It was mainly used to activate the population; it was not a party of rule
                1. A complex police system developed, but its efficiency was partly dependent upon the co-operation of millions of Germans
                  1. There was an array of fierce repressive machinery to persecute non- conformists
                    1. Nazi Germany was certainly dominated by Hitler, but was not a smoothly run, efficient structure
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