Person Centred Theory


Counselling (Person Centred Counselling) Mind Map on Person Centred Theory, created by jomitchell202 on 31/01/2014.
Mind Map by jomitchell202, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jomitchell202 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Person Centred Theory
  1. Carl Rogers
    1. Client is the expert
      1. Fully functioning person
        1. Existential living (here & now)
          1. Trusts organismic self
            1. Congruent
              1. Autonomous
                1. Listens to internal locus of evaluation
                2. Experiential freedom
                  1. takes responsibility for actions
                  2. Creativity
                    1. Openness to experiences
                    2. Client knows how to self heal
                    3. Everybody exists in a changing world and we are the centre of that world
                      1. Frame of reference
                        1. Internal frame of reference = our unique view of the world
                    4. Phenomenology
                      1. What does this mean to me? (phenomenological question)
                        1. No one's ideas or experiences are as relevant as your own
                          1. You can not live someone else's experiences
                        2. Maurice Merleau-Ponty
                          1. The sense that is within you now (phenomenological moment)
                          2. John Slein
                            1. Ethical Principles
                              1. 7. We are the ultimate source
                                1. Demons
                                  1. Cover ups
                                    1. Defences
                                      1. Faults
                                        1. Secrets
                                    2. Abraham Maslow
                                      1. Humanistic
                                        1. The Third Force
                                        2. Humans are all basically good
                                          1. Central human motive
                                            1. Self-actualisation (the peak of human achievement)
                                          2. Hierarchy of Needs
                                            1. I am comfortable
                                              1. I am safe
                                                1. I belong
                                                  1. I am known
                                                    1. I am me
                                          3. Concept of Self
                                            1. Introjected values
                                              1. Internalising others' projected views
                                                1. Conditions of worth
                                                  1. Living to others' values to gain approval
                                                    1. Self concept diminishes
                                                      1. Incongruence
                                                        1. Being at odds with yourself
                                                          1. Not knowing who you are anymore
                                                            1. Client presents for counselling
                                                              1. Necessary & sufficient conditions
                                                                1. Core conditions
                                                                  1. Empathy
                                                                    1. UPR
                                                                      1. Congruence
                                                                      2. Hidden conditions
                                                                        1. 2 people in psychological contact
                                                                          1. Is client psychologically 'present'?
                                                                          2. Client's state of incongruence
                                                                            1. Client understands Counsellor is trying to help
                                                                              1. Therapeutic alliance forms
                                                                                1. Relationship strenghtens
                                                                                  1. Relational depth
                                                                                  2. Therapeutic change commences
                                                                                    1. Client explores why they are at odds
                                                                                      1. Client finds out who they are
                                                                                        1. Client understands motivations and desires
                                                                                          1. Organismic self becomes more available
                                                                                            1. Trusts own judgement & self
                                                                                              1. Makes decisions based on internal locus of evaluation
                                                                                                1. Fully functioning person
                                                                                            2. Introjected values & conditions of worth fade
                                                                                              1. Self concept becomes stronger
                                                                                                1. Accepts responsibility for actons
                                                                                2. Too busy trying to please others
                                                                              2. External locus of evaluation
                                                                                1. Others' views are more important
                                                                                  1. Organismic Self lessens
                                                                                    1. Edge of awareness
                                                                        2. Real self
                                                                          1. Being true and accepting of yourself
                                                                            1. Organismic valuing
                                                                              1. Looking after your own emotional wellbeing
                                                                                1. Making sure your needs are met
                                                                                  1. Being able to say 'no'
                                                                                    1. Knowing what is right or wrong for you
                                                                              2. Ideal self
                                                                              3. Non-directive therapy
                                                                                1. Growth model of personal development
                                                                                  1. Works with 'here & now' emotions
                                                                                    1. Relies on quality of counsellor/client relationship
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