Class 1A-Counselling


January 21st, 2014
Note by heinrichs.mark, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by heinrichs.mark over 10 years ago

Resource summary

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What Is Counseling?- All about CHANGE (Collins, p.3) the only thing that is constant is change, and we must change willingly to avoid discomfort, etc.- Counseling often happens in informal settings (Skilled Helper, pp 4-5) eg: hairdressers, bartenders, friends, etc.- Counseling is a process used to guide individuals, families, groups, and communities (Social Work Dictionary, p.108)through activities like giving advice, explaining alternative, helping to articulate goals, providing information.What is Christian Counseling? (Collins, p.19)- While addressing counselees issues, Christian counselors also give hope to stimulate spiritual growth that may include:---Encourage counselee to confess sin and experience divine forgiveness---Encouraging counselees to commit themselves to Jesus and live according to Biblical teaching instead of a broken and sinful world---Model Christian standards, values, attitudes, even when working in settings where talk of religion is prohibitedCounseling in the Church"The crisis of care in modern culture, especially in the western church wil not be resolved by training more counselors.....the greatest need in modern civili\ation is the development of communities-true communities where the heart of God is home, where the humble and wise learn to shepherd those on the path behind them, where truditing strugllers lock arms with others as togehter they journey on" Larry CrabWhat is Hope?"Hope means hoping when things are hopeless or it is no virtue at all. It is only when things are hopeless that hope begins to be a strength" G.K. Chesterton What is Psychotherapy-Therapy for mental disorders in which a person with a problem talks with a psychological professional (Ciccerelli, p.574)-Treatment of emototional, hehavioral, personality, and psychiatirc disorders based primarily....SLIDES UP ON POPULI....Notes from discussion as follows:we can bring Hope to counselees in secular or religious settings TransitionsMoving out, getting married, graduating, continuing education, having kids, loss of loved one, empty nester, etc. etc. etc.

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