Treaty of Versailles


GCSE History Mind Map on Treaty of Versailles, created by Lucy Kay Snell on 02/02/2014.
Lucy Kay Snell
Mind Map by Lucy Kay Snell, updated more than 1 year ago
Lucy Kay Snell
Created by Lucy Kay Snell over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Treaty of Versailles
  1. The Terms of the Treaty
    1. Territorial
      1. Rhineland was demilitarised
        1. Alsace-Lorraine returned to France
          1. Saar given to France for 15 years
            1. All Germany's colonies taken and given to Britain and France as 'mandates'
              1. Forbidden to unite with Austria
                1. Polish corridor given to Poland
                2. Military
                  1. Army restricted to 100,000 men
                    1. Navy restricted to 6 battleships - no submarines
                      1. Germany not allowed an airforce
                      2. Financial and Economic
                        1. Pay reparations - 132 billion gold marks
                          1. Article 231 - Germany was forced to take all the blame for the war
                        2. The Big Three
                          1. Lloyd George
                            1. A 'just' peace that would be tough enough to please the electors who wanted to 'make Germany pay', but would leave Germany strong enough to trade.
                              1. Land for Britain's empire.
                                1. To safeguard Britain's naval supremacy.
                                2. Clemençeau
                                  1. Revenge and to punish Germany.
                                    1. To return Alsace-Lorraine to France.
                                      1. No League of Nations.
                                        1. An independent Rhineland.
                                          1. Huge reparations.
                                            1. To disband the German army so that Germany would never be strong enough to attack France again.
                                            2. Wilson
                                              1. To end war by creating a League of Nations based on his Fourteen Points.
                                                1. To ensure Germany was not destroyed.
                                                  1. Not to blame Germany for the war - he hated the Guilt Clause.
                                                2. Opinions on the Treaty
                                                  1. Germans
                                                    1. Germany hated everything because it made them pay
                                                    2. British
                                                      1. Hated everything apart from the League of Nations and the War-Guilt clause
                                                      2. French
                                                        1. Liked everything apart from the League of Nations and Germany loosing land
                                                        2. American
                                                          1. Hated all of the Treaty
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