

History (Nazis) Mind Map on Stereotypes, created by Chloe_White on 26/04/2013.
Mind Map by Chloe_White, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Chloe_White about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Positive
    1. Racially Pure Aryans
      1. Women
        1. No make-up, Natural Hair colour, No smoking, Child bearers and Wives, Hour-glass figure
        2. Men
          1. Wide shoulders, Narrow Waist, Prominent chins, Warriors
          2. Tall and slim - long legged, Narrow faced, Rose bright skin, Smooth straight or wavy hair, Blonde haired, Blue eyed
          3. German Workers
            1. Productive, useful and diligent
              1. Office workers, artisans, self-employed craftsmen and small retailers
              2. Farmers
                1. More racially pure, Not effected by Industralisation, Traditional Values
                2. Women
                  1. Kinde, Kirche, Kuche Discouraged from pursuing a professional career
              3. Negative
                1. Jews and Communists were responsible for all of Germany's ills
                  1. Jews are responsible for the growth of Communism and Capitalism
                    1. Selfish, Greedy, cunning and only motivated by their own selfish intentions
                      1. Responsible for the defeat in WWI, the Treaty of Versailles and the weak Weimar Government which held Germany back from recovery
                        1. Mass unemployment and Depression
                        2. Gypsies
                          1. Parasitic
                            1. Outcasts
                              1. Lack of Employment Appearance Language and Customs Nomandic Lifestyle
                            2. Intellectuals and Pacifists
                              1. emphasis on physical strength, unquestioning obedience, courage
                                1. 1923 speech 'To be a pacifist, a lack of conviction and a lack of character'
                                2. Homosexuals
                                  1. Threatened Nazi policy for racial dominance since they produced no children Demonised as being poisonous weeds
                                  2. Vagrants, Prostitutes and Workshy
                                    1. Workshy
                                      1. Offensive to the peoples community Citizenship was a priviledge not a right so had to be earned
                                      2. Beggars, Prostitutes and Vagrants were unworthy of citizenship
                                      3. Physically and Mentally Unfit
                                        1. Racial Hygiene and Dominance - Passing on hereditary diseases was considered a crime
                                          1. Examples; Syphilitics, tuberculosis sufferers, 'cripples' and 'imbeciles', although it was rumoured that Hitler himself was suspected of having syphilis
                                            1. Burdens - unproductive and unworthy of life as they was not allowed to have children and often didnt work
                                            2. Feminists
                                              1. 'Emancipation of Women was the invention of jews
                                                1. New Weimar Policies
                                                  1. Against the weimar policies which granted women -right to votte -right to a professional career - equal pay
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