Hand Hygiene Considerations


Mind Map on Hand Hygiene Considerations, created by Karin Page-Cutrara on 27/07/2016.
Karin Page-Cutrara
Mind Map by Karin Page-Cutrara, updated more than 1 year ago
Karin Page-Cutrara
Created by Karin Page-Cutrara almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Hand Hygiene Considerations
  1. Patient
    1. Disease
      1. Immunity & Compromise
      2. Procedure Type
        1. Surgical
          1. Visible
            1. Brush
            2. Non-Visible
              1. Alcohol Based Hand Rub or Soap/Water
            3. Non-Surgical
              1. Visible
                1. Soap/Water
                2. Non-Visible
                  1. Alcohol Based Hand Rub
            4. Nursing
              1. Ethics
                1. Knowledge
                  1. Attitutes
                    1. Judgment
                      1. Skin Condition
                      2. Policies and Procedures
                        1. CNO
                          1. Provincial Public Health Standards


                            • https://www.publichealthontario.ca/en/eRepository/2010-12%20BP%20Hand%20Hygiene.pdf
                            1. Institutional Policies
                          2. Physical Environment
                            1. Resources
                              1. Sink
                                1. Running Water
                                  1. Soap/Paper Towels
                                    1. Alcohol Based Hand Rub
                                    2. Precautions
                                      1. Routine
                                        1. Isolation
                                          1. Single Room
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