

Psychology Mind Map on Attachment, created by george.stringer on 01/05/2013.
Mind Map by george.stringer, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by george.stringer about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. What is attachment?
    1. Attachment is an emotional relationship between infants and their caregivers
    2. Learning Theory
      1. Classical Conditioning
        1. Learning through association. Getting food from a baby's mother gives them pleasure.
          1. The desire for food is fufilled when the mother is around therefore the baby makes an association with the mother and food.
        2. Operant Conditioning
          1. Reinforcing behaviour.
            1. Positive Reinforcement - Good behaviour will be rewarded. Children will repeat action
              1. Negative Reinforcement - removing a discomfort e.g. crying so mother feeds them therefore removing discomfort. Children will repeat action
                1. Punishment - Punishing a child for bad behaviour. Children will not repeat action
            2. Attachment and comfort
              1. Harlow
                1. In a lab experiment, rhesus monkeys were raised in isolation. They had two surrogate mothers (wire with food and cloth with no food)
                  1. Monkeys spent most of the time with cloth mother and only went to food mother when hungry.
                    1. Monkeys grew up showing signs of social/emotional disturbance and female monkeys were bad mothers and violent to offspring
                      1. There was a strict control of variables. Can't generalise results as only monkeys were used. Ethical Issues. Low Ecological Validity.
                      2. Schaffer and Emerson
                        1. Studied 60 babies during first 18 months of birth. Many babies didn't have strong attachments.
                          1. The babies formed better attachments with those who interacted/played with them more
                        2. Ethological Approach
                          1. Lorenz
                            1. Randomly divided dreylag goose eggs in two groups. Group 1 left with mother and group 2 in an incubator.
                              1. Incubator eggs attached to the first moving thing they saw (Lorenz) which followed him. When the two groups were re-united they quickly grouped.
                                1. Imprinting was most likely between 13-16 hours of hatching. The critical period was 32 hours. After that it was too late to attach
                              2. Bowlby's Evolutionary Theory
                                1. Biological need to attach to a caregiver. Having one special attachment is called monotropy
                                  1. Strong attachment provides a 'safe base' to explore. It gves us a template for future relationships
                                    1. First 3 years of lfe is the critical period of atatchment. If no attachment is made it could damage a child's social and emotional development
                                      1. Harlow supported this theory. Schaffer and Emerson was against this theory (multiple attachments). Harlow's study goes against monotropy.
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