Fundamental Attribution Error


7 - Perceiving Mind Map on Fundamental Attribution Error, created by db56hse on 16/05/2013.
Mind Map by db56hse, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by db56hse about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Fundamental Attribution Error
  1. tendency to attribute causes of other people's behaviour to dispositional factors
    1. bias not error - judgement often accurate
      1. may reflect usefulness of dispositional attributions when predicting behaviour on other occasions / situations
      2. overgeneralisation - we do acknowledge situational causes for others behaviour
      3. actor / observer effect: tend to make situational attributions about our own behaviour
        1. Storms showed people observing their own behaviour on video tended to make dispositional attributions - suggesting a perceptual explanation for FAE
          1. change in perceptual perspective led to change in causal attribution
          2. people take into account information with perceptual salience: FAE explained by situation having more salience when attributing cause of own behaviour
            1. American adults show FAE - Indian Hindus do not: suggesting culture influences perceptual salience
              1. may be explained by emphasis on individual in US and on group in less individualist cultures - leading to a focus on causes outside the individual
              2. important in identifying one of the biases that influence interpretation of the causes of behaviour
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