Chapter 1: The rise of Nazi and the consolidation of power


History (Nazi Germany) Note on Chapter 1: The rise of Nazi and the consolidation of power, created by nuhaheza on 05/05/2013.
Note by nuhaheza, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nuhaheza about 11 years ago

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1918: Germany nearly collapsed and people were suffering hardship and starvation.There were many strikes and demonstration.Many people refused to support the war. Even soldiers refused to fight. There was a "naval mutiny" (sailors refused to follow orders).The Kaiser had lost control of the army.9 Nov: The Kaiser gave up and fled to Holland.Temporary government was set up by Fredrich Ebert, and a Republic was declared.11 Nov: German surrendered.After the war, Germany became a Democratic Republic.11 Sept 1919: In Weimar, politicians met to discuss what was the best way to run Germany. The result was the Weimar Constitution.

The end of WWI (1914-1918)

The structure of Weimar Republic

The President: Elected every seven years, controlled the army, navy and air forces. In case of emergency, he ruled on his own without ReichstagThe Chancellor (Prime Minister): Chosen by the President (usually from political party with most votes). Has the responsibility to run the country and support members of the Reichstag to introduce new laws.

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