What are attitudes?


BSc (The Social Judge (Chapter 4)) PS407 Social Psychology Test sobre What are attitudes?, creado por Petite Piplup el 19/10/2013.
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Test por Petite Piplup, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Petite Piplup
Creado por Petite Piplup hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

What is an attitude?
  • An individual's favourable/unfavourable evaluation of an attitude object
  • An individual's behavior toward an attitude object
  • An individual's predjuiced conceptions
  • An individual's favourable/unfavourable disposition toward a specific ethnic group

Pregunta 2

What is an attitude object?
  • The behaviour toward an object
  • The attitude toward an object
  • The target of an attitude
  • The affect of behaviour on an object

Pregunta 3

What are the three components of the tripartite model of attitudes?
  • Consequences, affect, behaviour
  • Cognition, attitude, beliefs
  • Consequences, attitude, beliefs
  • Cognition, affect, behaviour

Pregunta 4

What is attitude ambivalence?
  • Having both positive and negative evaluations of an AO
  • Having only positive evaluations of an AO
  • Having only negative evaluations of an AO
  • Having a distanced evaluation of an AO

Pregunta 5

What is attitude complexity?
  • How many attitudes are taken into consideration before a behaviour is performed
  • The strength of an attitude evaluation - the stronger the more complex, the weaker the simpler
  • How many dimensions an attitude is evaluated across.
  • The amount of dimensions a behaviour is evaluated across

Pregunta 6

What are: a) Explicit attitudes b) Implicit attitudes
  • a) Explicit attitudes are conscious and deliberate. b) Implicit attitudes are unconscious and automatic.
  • a) Explicit attitudes are unconscious and automatic. b) Implicit attitudes are conscious and deliberate.
  • a) Explicit attitudes are conscious and automatic b) Implicit attitudes are unconscious and deliberate
  • a) Explicit attitudes are unconscious and deliberate b) Implicit attitudes are conscious and automatic

Pregunta 7

What does the APE model say about implicit and explicit attitudes
  • They are the outcomes of different mental processes. Implicit from associative processes and explicit from propositional processes.
  • They are the outcomes of different mental processes. Implicit from propositional processes and explicit from associative processes.
  • They are the outcomes of the same mental process. They are both from associative processes.
  • They are the outcomes of the same mental process. They are both from propositional processes.

Pregunta 8

What are values?
  • An amount an individual is certain about an attitude.
  • Lasting beliefs that are not situation specific.
  • A shared idea of how social systems should be run.
  • A pre-conception about behaviour.

Pregunta 9

What are values?
  • An amount an individual is certain about an attitude.
  • Lasting beliefs that are not situation specific.
  • A shared idea of how social systems should be run.
  • A pre-conception about behaviour.

Pregunta 10

What is the Schwartz value circumplex?
  • A list detailing the 15 most endorsed values cross-culturally, hierarchically organised along with their overarching orientations.
  • A wheel that states 10 universal values, their associates and opposites along with their typical corresponding behaviours.
  • A wheel that states 10 universal values, their associates and opposites along with their overarching orientations.
  • A list detailing the 15 most endorsed values cross-culturally, hierarchically organised along with their typical corresponding behaviours.

Pregunta 11

What is an ideology?
  • An individual's belief of how a social system should run.
  • Widely shared belief that serves to explain social realities.
  • An individual's value that affects a large groups perception of social reality.
  • The value of a higher order individual, e.g. someone in a position of power

Pregunta 12

What did Maio & Olsen say about values?
  • To understand subjective-norms you much first understand an individual's values
  • They are only important when considering an individual's attributions
  • They are the pinnacle to which behaviour is based
  • They are self-evident and hardly worth mentioning
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