
Triple Science OCR gateway. Chemistry C1 Test.
Jenny Knight
Flashcards by Jenny Knight, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Olivia Farrow
Created by Olivia Farrow over 9 years ago
Jenny Knight
Copied by Jenny Knight over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is cracking? A chemical process that converts large hydrocarbons into smaller more useful hydrocarbon molecules.
Name several problems which can occur whilst exploiting crude oil. .Oil slicks on the surface of the sea which can damage beaches . Damages birds feathers stopping them flying
What property of hydrocarbons lets fractional distillation of crude oil work? The hydrocarbons have different length chains and therefore different boiling points.
What is a fuel? A substance that reacts with oxygen to release useful energy - mostly heat energy
What is the general word equation for the complete combustion of a hydrocarbon? Hydrocarbon + Oxygen -> Carbon dioxide + water
What is there a shortage of in 'incomplete combustion'? Air
What is the general word equation for the incomplete combustion of a hydrocarbon? Hydrocarbon + oxygen -> carbon monoxide + carbon + water (carbon forms small black particles called soot)
What percentage of the Earths gas is nitrogen? 78%
According to some scientists theories, how was the ocean created? Volcanoes erupted creating huge volumes of gas. The water vapour condensed to form the ocean.
What process, used by plants, helped to increase the level of oxygen in the atmosphere until todays level? Photosynthesis
What percentage of the worlds atmosphere is carbon dioxide? 0.035%
Name three factors that increase carbon dioxide levels. .Human population increase .Deforestation .Use of fossil fuels
What is the name given to the object that is fitted to a vehicle exhaust system to convert CO into CO2? Catalytic converters
How is NOx made? The high temperature and pressure inside an engine causes nitrogen and oxygen to react.
What is the chemical formula for methane? CH4
What is the difference between alkenes and alkanes? Alkenes are unsaturated, and have a double covalent bond. Alkanes are saturated and have all single bonds.
Which family of hydrocarbons decolourises bromine water, alkanes or alkenes? Alkenes
How are polymers made? When smaller molecules, monomers, join together. Eg. Poly(ethene) - polymer made from ethene monomers
What is the reaction called when monomers join up to make polymers? Polymerisation
What conditions are needed for polymerisation to happen? High pressure and a catalyst.
What happens during addition polymerisation? Unsaturated monomer molecules react to form a saturated polymer molecule
What does 'non-biodegradable' mean? A substance cannot be decomposed by bacterial action
What is the name given to the process when protein is cooked and the molecules change shape? Denaturing
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