Oral Med


Exams woo
Caitlin Thomas
Flashcards by Caitlin Thomas, updated more than 1 year ago
Caitlin Thomas
Created by Caitlin Thomas almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Monocytic Leukemia
Sore on tongue?
Sore on roof of mouth? (pic is flipped in later slide-- traumatic ulcer)
Primary Syphillis
Sloughing Mucosa
Minor Aphthous Ulcer
Minor Aphthous Ulcer
Minor Aphthous Ulcer
Minor Aphthous Ulcer
Minor Aphthous Ulcer
Minor Aphthous Ulcer
Minor Aphthous Ulcer
Minor Aphthous Ulcer
Minor Aphthous Ulcer
Minor Aphthous Ulcer
Differential to aphthous = Recurrent Herpes Simplex
Differential to aphthous = Traumatic Ulcer
Questionable Ulcer!
Questionable Ulcer!
Questionable Ulcer BUT aphthous does NOT occur in children (look at mammelons) so this is a TRAUMATIC ULCER
Questionable Ulcer BUT look at ulcer on lips too, aphthous does NOT occur on lips, this is some sort of herpes
Aphthous Ulcer Major
Aphthous Ulcer Major
Aphthous Ulcer Major
Aphthous Ulcer Major
Aphthous Ulcer Major
Aphthous Ulcer Major
Herpetiform Aphthous Ulcers
Herpetiform Aphthous Ulcers
Aphthous Ulcers + denaturing agent (chemical curettage/cautery)
Traumatic Ulcer
Traumatic Ulcer (cotton roll w/ Eugenol)
Traumatic Ulcer (thermal burn)
Traumatic Ulcer (fingernail habit)
Traumatic Ulcer
Traumatic Ulcer
Traumatic Ulcer
Traumatic Ulcer
Traumatic Ulcer
Traumatic Ulcer
Traumatic Ulcer (pizza burn w/ exposed bone)
Traumatic Ulcer
Traumatic Ulcer
Traumatic Ulcer
Differential for Traumatic Ulcer Consider cancer
Differential for Traumatic Ulcer Consider cancer
Odontogenic Ulcer
Odontogenic Ulcer
Ulcer secondary to systemic disease-- Diabetes
Ulcer secondary to systemic disease-- Anemia
Ulcer secondary to systemic disease-- Agranulocytosis
Ulcer secondary to systemic disease-- Leukemia
Ulcer secondary to systemic disease-- Sickle Cell Anemia
Ulcer secondary to systemic disease-- Syphillis
Ulcer secondary to systemic disease-- Crohn's disease
Generalized Mucosal disease: Lichen Planus
Generalized Mucosal Disease: Erythema Multiforme
Generalized Mucosal Disease: Stevens Johnson's Syndrome
Generalized Mucosal Disease: Bechet's
Vesiculobullous disease: Herpes Simplex, Primary
Vesiculobullous disease: Herpes Zoster (midline)
Vesiculobullous disease: Phemphigoid
Vesiculobullous disease: Phemphigus
HSV6 on a peripheral blood lymphocyte
Primary Herpes
Primary Herpes
Primary Herpes
Primary Herpes
Primary Herpes
Primary Herpes
Primary Herpes
Primary Herpes
Primary Herpes
Differential Diagnosis for Primary Herpes: Erythema Multiforme
Differential Diagnosis for Primary Herpes: Herpangina
Differential Diagnosis for Primary Herpes: Hand, foot & mouth disease
Primary Herpes in adult
Primary Herpes in adult
Primary Herpes in adult
Primary Herpes in adult
Primary Herpes in adult
Primary Herpes in adult
Primary Herpes in adult
Primary Herpes in adult
Primary Herpes in adult
Primary Herpes in adult
Recurrent Intraoral Herpes
Primary Herpes in adult
Primary Herpes in adult
Primary Herpes in adult
Primary Herpes in adult
Primary Herpes in adult
Primary Herpes in adult
Primary Herpes in adult
Primary Herpes in adult (immunocompromised pt.)
Primary Herpes Differential Diagnosis: classical aphthous ulcer
Primary Herpes Differential Diagnosis: Aphthous herpetiform
Primary Herpes Differential Diagnosis: Aphthous herpetiform
Primary Herpes Differential Diagnosis: Herpes Zoster (healing on palate- to midline)
Primary Herpes Differential Diagnosis: ANUG
Primary Herpes Differential Diagnosis: Mononucleosis (petechiae on palate)
Primary Herpes Differential Diagnosis: Allergic reaction from rubber dam
Primary Herpes Differential Diagnosis: Erythema Multiforme
Primary Herpes Differential Diagnosis: Nicotinic Stomatitis
Recurrent extraoral herpes: lesional stage
Recurrent extraoral herpes: lesional stage
Recurrent extraoral herpes
Recurrent extraoral herpes
Recurrent extraoral herpes
Recurrent extraoral herpes
Recurrent extraoral herpes: differential diagnosis = erythema multiforme
Recurrent extraoral herpes: differential diagnosis = toxins (poison ivy)
Facial Herpes
Facial Herpes
Facial Herpes
Facial Herpes
Facial Herpes
Facial Herpes
Herpetic Whitlow
Herpetic Whitlow
Herpetic Whitlow
Genital Herpes
Herpes Zoster
Herpes Zoster
Herpes Zoster
Herpes Zoster
Herpes Zoster
Herpes Zoster
Herpes Zoster
Herpes Zoster
Herpes Zoster
Herpes Zoster
Herpes Zoster
Herpes Zoster
Herpes Zoster
Herpes Zoster
Herpes Zoster
Herpes Zoster
Herpes Slide 87- start of differential diagnosis for herpes zoster
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