History - Anglo-Saxon England


The powers of the king in Anglo-Saxon times
Malu Nair
Flashcards by Malu Nair, updated more than 1 year ago
Malu Nair
Created by Malu Nair over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What were the powers of the King in Anglo-Saxon times? - Landownership - Taxation - Fyrd army and fleet - Money - Lawmaking - Religion The king is the most powerful person in England!
What was the Witan? It was a council that advised the King - the king appointed the members and didn't have to follow their advice if he didn't want to. However, the Witan still held quite a lot of influence
The earls Most important after the king: - collected taxes for their earldom (kept a 1/3) - oversaw law and order (were judges) - lots of military power and led thegns in battle
Edward the Confessor (1003-1066) - very religious, people believed God was guiding him - respected as a wise lawmaker - married to Edith, Godwin's daughter - had no heir - could not control Earl Godwin
What was the Danelaw? The north of England was Anglo-Danish, still followed Viking customs, ways and laws. It was independent of the rest of England, but the king still needed to control the Danelaw
Summary The King of England was a very powerful man, but needed his earls and the Witan to help him rule in order to govern the entire country
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