Overview of the Springbok Tour 1981


Flash cards about what happened during the Springbok tour of New Zealand in 1981
Jemma Burchett
Flashcards by Jemma Burchett, updated more than 1 year ago
Jemma Burchett
Created by Jemma Burchett almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What day did the springboks arrive? They arrived in Auckland on the 19th of July 1981.
How many protesters waited at the airport 2,000.
Why was this Springbok team different? It was the first racially mixed team.
Why was there a campaign to stop the tour ? Because of Apartheid laws that existed in South Africa.
When was the first game ? on the 22nd of July against poverty bay in Gisborne.
Who told the Springboks their would be no more official welcomes whilst apartheid remained NZ Maori Council.
under what agreement was Robert Muldoon called on to ban the tour Gleneagles agreement.
Why did he go against this ? Because of the New Zealand policy of no politics in sport.
What does HART stand for ? Halt All Racist Tours.
Who led HART ? John Minto and Trevor Richards.
What were other anti-apartheid groups CARE (Citizens Association for Racial Equality) and NAAC (National Anti Apartheid Council)
Pro Tour side was lead by ? Cez Blazey and the NZ Rugby Union.
Who was another Pro Tour group? SPIR (Society for the Protection of Individual Rights)
What day did the Springboks leave? 13th September 1981.
How long had they stayed ? 56 Days.
How many games were abandoned during the tour? 2 one in Hamilton and one in Timaru.
How many provincial teams did they beat? All 10.
What was the score of the game against the All Blacks? 2-1 to the All Blacks.
Who did they draw against? The NZ Maoris.
Why were the games abandoned Threats of violence.
When was the last large civil disturbance? The 1951 Waterfront Strike.
What was the tour known as ? 56 Days of Chaos.
How many Protesters took part? 150,000.
How many demonstrations were there ? over 200 in 28 centers.
How much did police spend on "Operation Rugby"? 15 million.
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