Circulatory System


Veterinary circulatory system
Ashley McAnally
Flashcards by Ashley McAnally, updated more than 1 year ago
Ashley McAnally
Created by Ashley McAnally almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Leukocytes that are the first to destroy microorganisms in an infection / injury. Neutrophils
Leukocytes that produce antibodies Lymphocytes
The difference between band and segmented neutrophils A band neutrophil is a baby neutrophil (These typically mean bad news) A segmented neutrophil is an adult neutrophil
Leukocytes that help fight allergic reactions, inflamation, and parasitic infections Eosinophils
Leukocyte that removes dead cells, organisms, and particles by phagocytosis Monocytes
The primary functions of the Cardiovascular / Circulatory System It Circulates / delivers oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to various body tissues and transports waste to the appropriate waste removal system
Leukocyte involved with allergic reactions and contain histamines (very rare) Basophils
Low red blood cell count where the red blood cells are not replenished Anemia
The procedure of listening to a body part Auscultation
Abnormally slow heart Bradycardia
Relaxation phase of blood pressure or the lower number, which is normally lower Diastole
Machine that controls the electrical currents of the heart Electrocardiogram
The production of red blood cells within the bone marrow Erythropoiesis
The study of blood Hematology
A decrease in the number of white blood cells in the blood leukocytopenia
White cells above the normal range in the blood. It is frequently a sign of an inflammatory response Leukocytosis
An abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells Polycythemia
The contraction of the heart Systole
Heart beating faster than normal Tachycardia
Persistant decrease in the number of blood platelets Thrombocytopenia
Abnormal increase in the number of platelets in the blood Thrombocytosis
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