Reign of Elizabeth I: Key words


Elizabeth I Key words
Izzy Noone
Flashcards by Izzy Noone, updated more than 1 year ago
Izzy Noone
Created by Izzy Noone over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Huguenot The name given to Protestants in France who were followers of John Calvin
Monopolies Such rights were granted by Royal Charter, declaring that a particular group of merchants had the sole legal right to make or to import a commodity such as soap or sugar. Monopolies were unpopular because it gave merchants the power to control the market and fix prices at high levels to make a profit
Recusant Applied to those who refused to attend their parish church on a regular basis. Attendance was made compulsory by Parliament and anyone who did not attend was fined. Initially the fine was 1 shilling for each failure.
Marks 2/3 of a pound (in pre-decimal currency 13s 4d)
Fire-ships Ships deliberately set on fire and sent towards the enemy's ship to cause them to scatter.
Armada The Spanish word for an armed fleet of ships.
Plantation Plantations involved settling English colonists on lands formerly owned by Irish clans in order to extend the Pale and slowly establish control over the whole island.
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