Europe, Barbarians, Warbands, Merovingians, Clovis, And the Carolongians


powerepoint covering some topics related to dark ages test
Anjali Brar
Flashcards by Anjali Brar, updated more than 1 year ago
Anjali Brar
Created by Anjali Brar over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
who were the Missi Domincci and what were their jobs check on roads, listen to problems, see justice is done
what was Europe like sparsely populated, undeveloped, dense forests, rich soil, mineral resources, rivers and seas provided fish and water transport, potential energy (water wheel)
Who were the Barbarians? migrant peoples who moved into the areas given up by the romans, lived at the fringes , sometimes peaceful neighbors and trading partners, formed alliances with romans, westward movement after invasion of huns
What were the warbans? groups are made freeman including the immediate kin group of the leader and others from the outside, swear an oath of allegiance and military support, in return receive gifts, ,maintenance, plunder
Who were the Merovingians? first european dynasty after the Romans, the 'first race' of the kings of france, founded by childrec, son was Clovis I
Clovis and the Franks first king of the franks to reunite all of Frankish tribes under one ruler, changed leadership from a group of royal chieftains to rule by a single king, he is considered to be the founder of the Mervoginian dynasty which ruled the Frankish kingdom
what was the Mervoginian gov. like? kings issued decrees, made laws, developed bureaucratic reforms---had travelling justices called "rachimburgi" who job was to speak the truth has salic law which assigned value to everyone and everything. included various trial options
What did Charlemagne introduce in the Caroligininan Empire? administrative reforms throughout the lands he controlled, established key representatives in each region and holding a general assembly each year at his court at Auchen
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