Henry VII - Religion and the Church


Rebekah Phillips
Flashcards by Rebekah Phillips, updated more than 1 year ago
Rebekah Phillips
Created by Rebekah Phillips over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What was Henry VII's religion? Roman Catholic Recognised by the Pope
Who was the main landlord of England the Church or the King in the late 1400's? The Church
How powerful was the Church in the late 1400's? *10,000 ordinary clergy and 35,000 secular clergy *Formed a state with it's own court system that felt with religious crimes *Both the King and Church worked in relative harmony
What were some problems with the Church? *many parish Priests were poorly educated *75% of them earned less than £15 a year *Priests to earn more worked at 5 different parishes *25% of parishes didn't have a resident priest *many had been neglected and crime high
What was the Church's position in everyday life? Parishes were central to village life Priest was the most respected member All attended and was part of life Marked religious feasts, festivals and holy days along with marriage and burials
How much did Henry VII aim to do with the Churches? recognised they were weak but did not aim to reform it or question its authority
What was Henry's relationship with the Pope? Pope Innocent VIII was one of the first foreign leaders to recognise Henry's claim to the throne Supported by excommunicating all those that rebelled against him Henry sent an ambassador to Rome
What was Henry's relationship with Bishops? Relatively good Employed many into gov Becoming some of his most loyal advisors
How did the Church help Henry VII's reign? *provided him with funds from clerical taxation, loans and fines *Ensured obedience from the public and penalties for sinful disorder
Why did people believe they were sinners? *Believed they were born with original sin - back from when Adam disobeyed God *Acquired sin by disobeying God
What role did Priests play in life of the people? *Determined how long they would stay in purgatory and decide whether they were going to heaven or hell *hear commissions *decide if they deserved penance (punishment)
What happened at Mass in the late 1400-1500's? Was the central religious experience Priest performs a sacrament (thanksgiving) Consecrated bread and wine (Transubstantiation)
How did laity and people leaving money to the Church benefit? *Enhanced the beauty of worship *Ensuring the person would be remembered *Reduced the time that person spent in purgatory
What was confraternity? Groups of men (and some women) that came together to fund the funeral costs for members, to pay chaplains for mass and make charitable donations Some ran schools
What was a pilgrimage? A way to reduce time in purgatory Visit a tomb of a saint or shrine Rogation Sunday included a whole community walking to one
What Religious Orders existed? *Monastic Orders - 1500 1% of males were monks - played a role in community *Friars - worked amongst communities and funded by charity *Nunneries - less prestige, mainly women deemed to be unsuitable to marry
Who were the Lollards? "Non-believer" Believed everyone should have a English Bible and should be able to interpret it in their own way Individuals relationship with God Found in small groups in London, Bristol and Kent etc.
What was Humanism like in the late 1400's? Based on the rediscovery of Greek and Latin texts - studied by Thomas More Believed in the Catholic faith Aimed to cleanse the religion from errors in translation Confined in literacy in upper society
How developed was Humanism under Henry VII? *isolated and an extended Humanist circle out of scholars in St Pauls School and Oxford did not emerge till Henry VIII
What significantly pushed forward Humanism? Printing Press Brought from Germany widened the reading public Standardising the English language Henry VII used to make propaganda
What was Henry's opinion on growing Humanism? *Encouraged artists, musicians, poets and men of letters *Established the Royal library and *commissioned to write a history of England 'no previous king had been so acutely aware of the political advantages of surrounding himself with literary servants'
What was this period like for education? widening of educational opportunities 'song schools' and 'reading schools' to the very young 53 grammar schools established 1460-1509 restricted to upper classes - saw more humanist approaches and teaching
What was University like in the 1400's? Main two existed - Oxford and Cambridge Cambridge gained several new colleges from the generosity of Beaufort
What was the most popular form of art in the late 1400's - early 1500's? *Drama Presented at Church-ale festivals Sponsored by Nobility Moral and religious messages
What was music like under HVII? bagpipe and wind groups entertained people on Saint days Went through a renaissance with choral music Thomas Browne, Robert Faryfax Performed at court or in wealthy homes
What architectural developments occurred under HVII? Rebuilding of churches and buildings gave rise to Gothic perpendicular style HVII invested in this style in the Lady Chapel of Westminster Abbey
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