
Flashcards on Untitled, created by Fraser Hine1 on 17/11/2014.
Fraser Hine1
Flashcards by Fraser Hine1, updated more than 1 year ago
Fraser Hine1
Created by Fraser Hine1 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Alternatively referred to as a sound board or an audio card, a sound card is an expansion card or integrated circuit that provides a computer with the ability to produce sounds that can be heard by the user either over speakers or headphones.
A graphics card is the component in your computer that handles generating the signals that are sent to the monitor or "graphics". It is responsible for generating all the text and pictures that are displayed on your screen.
CPU- Central Processing Unit. The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the part of a computer system that is commonly referred to as the "brains" of a computer. The CPU is also known as the processor or microprocessor.
The Motherboard itself is a printed circuit board that allows the CPU, RAM, and all other computer hardware components to communicate with each other.
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