Archeology (year 7)


John Sikimeti
Flashcards by John Sikimeti, updated more than 1 year ago
John Sikimeti
Created by John Sikimeti over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
A piece of historical information made at the exact time an event was happening. E.g. a letter, a vase, a piece of a building or structure. Primary source
Historical information made after the event happened. E.g. a textbook, a reflection by a historian Secondary source
A scientist who studies how humans lived in the past by digging up and inspecting ancient artefacts in the Earth. Archeologist
a science that deals with past human life and activities by studying the bones, tools, etc., of ancient people Archaeology
a simple object (such as a tool or weapon) that was made by people in the past Artefact
the group of people who are members of the highest social class in some countries Noble
someone who is legally owned by another person and is forced to work for that person without pay Slave
a person in the past whose job was to write scripts and books Scribe
Before Christ /Before Common Era, AD (anno domini) BC and AD
The leader of ancient Egypt Pharaoh
a period of 10 years. E.g. The 1980s: 1980-1989. Decade
a period of 100 years Century
a period of 1000 years Millennium
a life that some people believe exists after death Afterlife
a system of writing (such as the one used in ancient Egypt) that uses letters that look like pictures Hieroglyphics
arranged in the order that things happened from the oldest to the newest events Chronological
Capital letters Understanding Punctuation Spelling C.U.P.S
Point Elaborate Example Link P.E.E.L
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