American History Grade 8 Unit 3 (needs editing)


Flashcards on American History Grade 8 Unit 3 (needs editing), created by mellowsmiley122 on 14/01/2015.
Flashcards by mellowsmiley122, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mellowsmiley122 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Why is J. P. Morgan famous? He was a banker who had great control over America's finances.
Why is Andrew Carnegie famous? He was a ruthless steel tycoon who donated millions to charitable organizations.
Why is John D. Rockefeller famous? He turned his small company, Standard Oil, into a giant that monopolized the oil industry.
What is Elisha Otis best known for? He was the inventor of a safety device that prevents elevators from falling if the hoisting cable fails.
Why is Frank Lloyd Wright famous? He was an architect who integrated the natural environment into the buildings he designed.
Who was Frederick Olmsted? He was a landscape designer believed that America's cities should have large parks for recreation and quiet reflection?
Why is John Roebling famous? He invented a way to spin steel wire into strong cables.
What was President Rutherford B. Hayes and his administration were best known for? the end of Reconstruction
Who was president during the Spanish-American War? William McKinley
What is the main role of Federal Reserve System? It controls the supply of money in the United States.
Which are ways American farming changed in the late 1800s? Choose all answers that are correct. A. decreased worry about droughts and floods B. dependence on railroads and banks C. more competition with other countries D. more small, family farms B. dependence on railroads and banks & C. more competition with other countries
What political party of the second half of the nineteenth century pushed for protection against consumer fraud and more government loans for farmers? populists
What is a "trust"? It is a form of monopoly in which the same people own and run many different companies in one industry.
What is a command economy? It is an economic system with a mix of private investment and government control.
What does the economic term "inflation" mean? Inflation is when there is a lot of money in circulation, which makes it worth less and creates pressure to raise prices.
What is deflation? When there is less money in circulation, leading to lower prices and reduced demand for goods.
What is a nativist? a person who favors U.S.-born citizens and discriminates against immigrants
What did Olmstead, Otis, Sullivan, and Roebling have in common? Their contributions and innovations made modern cities possible.
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