OCB02-1018- Dental Pulp/Dentine Complex


LOs are to: Understand the anatomical and histological features of the dental pulp. Describe the heterogeneous cell population of the pulp, blood and nerve supply. Understand the clinical implications of the anatomical complexities of the root canal system and the pathophysiological modifications that can occur.
Evian Chai
Flashcards by Evian Chai, updated more than 1 year ago
Evian Chai
Created by Evian Chai over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Why is the dentine pulp complex called this? Odontoblast processes extend at least 1/3 into dentine tubules from pulp
What are the functions of dental pulp? (4) 1. Formation of dentine 2. Eruption of tooth/root formation 3. Dentine repair 4. Defence against infection
What is dentine? The hard connective tissue that forms the bulk and form of tooth
What forms dentine? Odontoblast cells in dental papilla
What is the function of dentine? Determines shape of crown+number/size of roots
Rank the following in order of hardness from hardest to softest: 1. Enamel 2. Dentine 3. Bone/cementum Enamel>Dentine>Bone/cementum
What is the composition of dentine? 70% inorganic hydroxyapatite 20% organic (type 1 collagen+glycoproteins, proteoglycans, phosphoproteins) 10% H20
What do the tubules in dentin come from? Where do they go? Come from Dental Enamel Junction, goes to pulp
What are the two types of primary curvature tubules? Where are they located? Straight and S shaped Straight are in the radicular region (more) S shaped are in the coronal region (less)
Canaliculi are... and are oriented in what way against the tubules? lateral branches throughout dentin at 90 degree to tubule
Enamel spindles are Tubules extending PAST EDJ into enamel
What is the function of peritubular/intratubular dentin? How does its composition differ from intertubular dentin? Forms walls of all tubules but the ones near pulp 15% more mineralised (inter is 50% organic) Forms around same time as intertubular though
Which type of dentin is formed first? Intertubular dentin
What does dental pulp contain (5)? What cells are present in the pulp (5)? Contains cells, fibres, ground substance, blood vessels, nerves Cells are odontoblasts, stem cells/mesenchyme cells, fibroblasts, Schwann cells, defence cells
What fibers are in the pulp? Type 1 collagen and type 3 collagen
What nerves are present in the pulp? Sensory nerves Sympathetic nerves
What is pulpitis, and which factors can cause it (6)? The inflammation of the pulp Caries, cracks, fractures, cavity preparation, dental materials, exposure of dentine
What is the mechanism of pulpitis? 1. Inflammation of the pulp increases blood pressure 2. Vasodilation of arterioles in the pulp increase blood flow (causes redness) 3. Increased venous BP, lymph flow, osmotic pressure 4. Acute inflammation
What are the 5 indicators of inflammation? 1. Rubor (redness) 2. Tumour (swelling) 3. Calor (increased temp) 4. Dolor (pain) 5. Loss of function
How do thermal tests test for pulpitis? A lack of response/lingering pain indicates damaged nerves
How does an electric pulp tester test for pulpitis? Response to EPT indicates viable nerve fibres
How does vital pulp therapy work? A pulp cap is created using calcium hydroxide and covered with permanent restoration seal
What are treatments for pulpitis? Vital pulp therapy Root canal treatment
What are other problems that can occur in the pulp? (4) 1. Atresia (sclerosed canals from injury--> complete mineralisation) 2. Pupal stone (carious lesion in tertiary dentine leads to partial mineralisation) 3. Hyperaemia (pupal inflammation) 4. Pupal necrosis (bacteria infection)
How does pulp change in elderly patients? Decreases in size More fibrous But can still form dentine/respond to stimuli
Which of the following has the greatest number of tubules? - Primary dentine - Secondary dentine - Tertiary dentine Primary
What are von Ebner's lines? Incremental lines in dentin
What are Andersen lines? Retzius Lines in dentin
When does primary dentine stop? Birth
How does secondary dentine differ from primary? Dentine formation AFTER birth Tubular pattern are a little less regular Reduces pulp chamber size
What is translucent dentine? Dentine tubules occluded with calcified material in response to external stimuli Mineral is different from that of peritubular dentine
What is the mineralisation front? Rich in NCP - DPP - DSP - Proteoglycans Calcospherites and interglobular dentine
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