CL - WK1


Flashcards on CL - WK1, created by shonabethluke-xx on 03/10/2013.
Flashcards by shonabethluke-xx, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by shonabethluke-xx over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Federal Role In Government Enact the Law The federal government actually makes the law and determines what is considered a crime
Police Role in Law "The Gate Keepers" First point of entry into the criminal justice system Decide whether someone should be charged based on gathered evidence.
Crown Attorney Prosecute Crime -put forward evidence to try and support a conviction
Court and Judges vender a verdict interpret the legislation Can strike down unconstitutional legislation and decide a law is unjust decide appeals review decissions
common law tradition Judges have the right to interpret, question and challenge the law
Provincial Court of Justice provincial court lower level criminal cases entry point for all criminal charges vast majority of crimes solved in this court
Superior Court of Justice only court with a JURY more serious than provincial courts can sit as an appeal for provincial courts
Court of Appeal hears appeals in indictable matter (more serious) decisions must be followed in all lower courts
SCC (Supreme Court of Canada) Decisions are binding on all judges in the country Choose the cases they hear NATIONAL IMPORTANCE
Minor Offence (6 months of custody) Tried in provincial court ex. harassing phone calls, possession of a weapon
Indictable Offences MOST SERIOUS murder, caused explosion, importing/exporting weapons
Test for infringing Rights (1) pressing and substantial objective (2) rational connection (3) minimum impairment (4) proportionality between effects and objective
Criminal Law Deals With Public Peace - Order - Security - Health - Morality
Frey v. Fedoruk Peeping in windows - Fedoruk preformed citizen arrest - false imprisiment
False Imprisiment An unauthorized or wrongful restraint of freedom - does not have to involve actual imprisonment
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