Irish Famine Flashcards


Flashcards of Keywords in the Irish Famine
Lucy 10A
Flashcards by Lucy 10A, updated more than 1 year ago
Lucy 10A
Created by Lucy 10A almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1 - High Population According to the Malthusians hypothesis, a population could only grow so much before it burst. People got married young with a plot of land for potatoes. girls could legally marry at age 12 and for boys it was 14, so the population was increasing rapidly.
2 - Subdivision Subdivision means to divide something then divide these divisions and so on. More and more people had to live on smaller plots of land, which they just needed it for potatoes. A small acreage of land could grow enough potatoes to last nearly a whole year.
3 - Dependence of the potatoes The dangers of living on potato were that if the potato crop failed, there was t any other food and people only had enough to live on them.
4 - Chronology of the Famine 1845 - Famine begins. 1/3 of the potato crop destroyed 1847 - Black 47 1850 - the Famine appeared to be over
5 - Soup Kitchens Soup kitchens were made to feed the starving. Landollors did not wish to encourage the use of them as they had to pay, so they made them as unattractive as possible. It tasted horrible and you couldn't get it if you had more than 1/4 an acre.
6 - The Workhouse People avoided the workhouse as long as they could. You went there as a last resort. It was dirty and deseases speed FAST
7 - Public Works Provided basic work for the needy Built useful things Long hours of work for a poor pay Everyone wanted a job
8 - Private Charity Quakers provided food and money for the Irish Packages marked 'Ireland'
9 - Eviction Families evicted when couldn't pay for rent Peoples called wreckers came and knocked down your house to stop you coming back Landlords wanted to get rid of the smaller farmers
10 - Emigration Some landlords paid for your ticket A journey to America lasted 5 week onboard a coffin ship Locals didn't want the emigrants there
11 - Population decline The 1851 population was down by almost 2 million from the previous census in 1841 (half died, half emigrated)
12 - Consolidation of land Many landlords were anxious to sell their land. The encumbered effects act of 1849 made is easier to do so. Amount of bigger farms increased and the cottier class were almost wiped out.
13 - Hatred of the British Many people saw the government actions as inadequate, which made the Irish hate the British.
14 - Key words Laissez Faire - an attitude of letting things take their own course Census - a survey for the population of the country Trevelyan - British civil servant and colonial administrator Robert Peel - a British Conservative statesman who served twice as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
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