Hitler's rise to power (1933-34)


a list of dates you need to know all during 1933 about Hitlers rise to power.
Flashcards by april.parncutt, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by april.parncutt over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
(-33) January 30th Hitler appointed Chancellor Goering Minister of Interior
Feburary 17th Goering orders local police to co-operate with SS and SA
February 27th Reichstag Fire Arrest of 4,000 communists and other Nazi opponents
February 28th Emergency decree issued by Hindenburg at Hitlers request -Police to arrest suspects and jail without trial -Hitler to take over
March 5th Reichstag Elections 'Battle Against Marxism' Won 52% of the Vote
March 13th Goebbels appointed head of Propaganda
March 24th Enabling Act
April 7th Civil Service administration courts, and education get rid of 'alien elements' (Jews and other Nazi opponents)
May 1st Workers granted May Day Holiday
May 2nd Trade Unions Banned German Labour Front (DAF) created
May 9th Employment Law -jobs for unemployed (e.g road building)
July 14th Law against the the formation of new parties One party State
July 20th Concordat between the state and the Roman Catholic Church
(-34) January All state governments taken over
June 30th Night of Long Knives
August Death of Hindenburg Hitler pronounces himself Fuhrer Forces swear oath to him
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