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14 History-Nazi methods of control
GCSE History-PAPER 2 Mind Map on 14 History-Nazi methods of control, created by melgallagher on 20/04/2014.
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almost 11 years ago
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14 History-Nazi methods of control
Spreading particular ideas and veiws to try and control what people think
Nazi propaganda blamed the jews and communists for everything
controlled radios and used films and posters
All artists, writers, journalists and musicians had to be registered to get there work approved.
Nazi's organised huge rallies of members to present an image of power and popularity.
Used the Berlin Olympics, 1936, as an opportunity for international publicity
The stadium was the largest in the world
News reports were controlled as was the filming
Anti-Jewish slogans were removed from the streets of Berlin
This gave a positive veiw of Germany
Censored books, newspapers and other material.
Those who published anti-Nazi material were at risk of execution
Used to encourage nationalism and hatred of Jews
German composers were praised but Jewish composers were banned
Cheap radios were manufactured so that familes could afford them
Films Hitler liked were only shown in the cinema and books not approved of the Nazi's were burnt
May 1933, 20,000 books were burnt in a huge bonfire
SS and Gestapo
SS began as a bodyguard for Hitler
It massively expanded under the control of Himmler in the 30's
Became the most important military group after the night of the long knives
Gestapo was the secret police
Heydrich was the Gestapo leader
They searched out opponents for the Nazi's
Had the powers to arrest and imprison
Used torture to extract information
Local wardens were employed to report disloyalty and many were arrested by the Gestapo as a result
Concentration Camps
Anyone arrested by the Gestapo could be held in "protective custody" in a concentration camp
They held political prisoners and anybody else considered dangerous to the Nazi's
They were run by SS guards
They were trained to be ruthless and cruel
Some were later turned into death camps
Once the Nazi's had consolidated their power over the Germans there were less political prisoners.
Controlled from the moment children started school so they learnt Nazi beliefs.
History-they were taught the Nazi version of the past
e.g. That Germans had been "stabbed in the back" at the end of ww1 by German politicians who were influenced by the Jews
Boys were taught military skills
In PE they sometimes played war games with live ammunition.
Girls were taught housekeeping, cooking and how to be good mothers.
Older children were introduced a new subject - Eugenics
This was how to improve the German race through selective breeding
Jews were banned from teaching
Most teachers joined the Nazi Teachers Association and were trained in Nazi methods
Children had to report teachers who didn't use Nazi methods
Catholic Church
Hitler had no respect for Christianity
He kept his veiws to himself because most of his supporters were catholic
He tried to appeal to both catholics and protestants
Hitler signed the Concordat with the pope but Hitler tried to unite the Protestant churches into one Reich Church
This caused some people to protest but they were sent to concentration camps
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