

Flashcards by Ollii, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Ollii almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Creators German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
Marxist-Leninism Belief in Marxism, however also belieft that the capitalist stage can be skipped in favour of a revolution, popular or otherwise
Proletariat The working class, people who sell their labour
Bourgeoisie The middle class, employers
Lumpenproletariat Outcasts of society
Landlords Those who hold the wealth and power
Peasants A scattered people unable to take part in socio-economic reforms
Step 1 - Capitalism Production increases which leaves social changes behind, causing class tension. The class struggle grows and grows until it reaches breaking point
Step 2 - Revolution The class struggle causes a popular revolution
Step 3 - Socialism After the revolution socialism is established
Step 4 - Communism Socialist views eventually shift to communism
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