L8 Phrases


FSI Basic Slovene Flashcards on L8 Phrases, created by FSI Slovenian on 26/10/2022.
FSI Slovenian
Flashcards by FSI Slovenian, updated more than 1 year ago
FSI Slovenian
Created by FSI Slovenian over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Tudi mene veseli. I, too, am glad.
Sedaj bom pa nekaj časa doma. Now, I'll stay at home for a while.
Ministrstvo zaposli ljudi z različno izobrazbo. The State Department hires people with different education.
Kakšno razgibano življenje! What a varied life!
Plečnik je največji slovenski arhitekt in ga dobro poznajo tudi po svetu. Plečnik is the greatest Slovenian architect and he is well known to the world.
Po prvi svetovni vojni se je vrnil v Slovenijo. After World War I he returned to Slovenia.
Od leta 2003-2005 je bila Alenka predsednica komisije za borbo proti rasizmu in nestrpnosti. From 2003-2005 Alenka was president of the committee for the fight against racism and intolerance.
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