War and Crisis 1550-1650


chapter 15
E Chantal Byrd
Flashcards by E Chantal Byrd, updated more than 1 year ago
E Chantal Byrd
Created by E Chantal Byrd almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Chapter 15 summary 1. A series of costly, devastating wars, inflamed by religious motives, raged in Europe in the period between the 1560s and 1650s. 2. The most devastating war was the Thirty Years' War. It was brought to an end by the Peace of Westphalia, which signified major international changes and a new period of relative calm. 3. New weapons, tactics, and armies revolutionized war during the period. 4. Throughout Europe tensions created great internal unrest, often breaking out in revolt and civil war. 5. During the mid-seventeenth century, new political patterns were established that would hold for some time.
Identify the major concepts, persons, and events that contributed to nation building and the wars for domination in the eighteenth century. Mercantilism - powerful government is responsible for the health of the country’s economy; state’s interest is more important than the individual’s interests. Naval competition and colonies: Britain had a large navy; France had both a large navy and army. Both countries colonized sugar-producing west indian islands, slave-producing West Africa, North America for settlement (Britain) or trading (France), and India.
Compare and contrast the rise of Eastern Europe and Western Europe. Serfdom: Eastern Europe continued the serfdom system while Western Europe had peasants employed as laborers. Serfs had limited freedom while laborers had unlimited freedom. Trade: Western Europe had more colonies that Eastern Europe. There geography made trade easier since the fastest and most economical way to transport bulk goods was by sea. Therefore, Western Europe’s trade advanced faster than Eastern Europe which created more stable economies.
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