McCarthyism and Red Scare revision cards!!


Nicole XD
Flashcards by Nicole XD, updated more than 1 year ago
Nicole XD
Created by Nicole XD almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What was the domino theory? The USA believed the USSR could spread communism from one country to the next.
What was the Cold War? American fear and suspicion of the influence of communism led them to try and stop USSR from extending it's influence to other countries. NO FIGHTING. Used propaganda.
What was the Truman Doctrine? An american promise to send financial aid and military advice to countries at risk of being turned communist.
What was the Marshall Aid Plan? Offer of american loans to countries in Europe to help rebuild after WW2., believed Europe was a breeding ground of hate because of the war damage.
What was the Berlin Blockade? In 1948-9 Stalin wanted USA to leave Berlin, by Blockading the city, USA responded by airlifting supplies to beat the Blockade.
Give an example of the Cold War external to Europe: North Korea attempted to take over non communist South Korea. USA led UN army to stop spread in Asia. Also the Vietnam War.
Give features of the Cold War: Spying Propaganda Arms Race Space Race Loans and Aid
What was the red scare? The advance of the Soviet armies in East of Europe indicated that Truman would have to be firm with Stalin. Hysterical fear of the spread of communism into the USA.
What was NATO? An alliance of all non communist countries under military protection against the USSR.
Who was McCarthy? In 1950, ambitious and dishonest republican senator Joseph McCarthy claimed to have a list of 205 members of the communist party of the US who worked for the Gov. Became the symbol of the red hating crusader. Became associated with a communist witch hunt in whihc over 2000 people appeared before HUAAC. Ruined many lives!!
What was the Alien registration Act? 4 months - 4.7 million aliens had been registered, led ppl to believe communists were being registered. Anybody over 14 had to disclose personal + occupational status + political beliefs. 29th June 1940.
What was the 1947 Federal Employee Loyalty Program? A review of loyalty within the civil service. 212 ppl sacked but not charged. 3000 forced to resign.
What happened with the Hollywood 10? !! writers + directors accused of being communist, 1 fled before trials, in 1947 they all pleaded 5th amendment but were sentenced to 1 year. Not guilty but all sacked.
What was the 1948 McCarran Internal Security Act? Made sure that US citizens were not members of the communist party and had US passports.
McCarthy's support led to what success? The presidential victory for the republican party in 1952.
Why did McCarthyism decline? Accused of being homosexual Drink problem Assaulted a journalist in a washington club Secrets made him elligible to scutiny like others President Eisenhower didnt approve of McCarthy and gave Richard Nixon permission to attack him Media lost interest Investigating army general Robert Stevens and General Zwicker of being not fit to wear uniform. Televising the trial: Army McCarthy hearings. LIES. exaggeration. Accusing everything that had a pulse. Being a bully.
What was the 1954 Communist Control Act? Banned communist party of the USA. Used by gov to investigate and members of suspicious organisations. (American Civil Liberties Union Labour) (NAACP)
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