Conventional Wars (Land, Sea, Air)


Izzy Noone
Flashcards by Izzy Noone, updated more than 1 year ago
Izzy Noone
Created by Izzy Noone almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Give two reasons behind the Israel/Palestine conflicts Dispute dates back to ancient times. Geographical and religious differences Arabs vs Israelis NAME of country- Palestine or Israel?
Give two key events of the 6 day war Israeli planes and tanks destroyed the Egyptian forces with the Blitzkrieg tactics Israeli air force destroyed the air power of Syria and Jordan
Why were the Israelis so successful? (At least two reasons) Their speed and surprise Modern war machines from America Use of tanks in the desert areas Focused, determined, and organised
In 1973, why did the Arab states choose to attack on the holiest Jewish day, Yom Kippur (atonement day)? To make a religious point and most Jews were praying in their synagogue, taken by surprise
How did the war develop initially? Israeli forces defeated by thousands of soldiers and weapons Driven far back inside Israel by Egypt, Syria and Iraq
How did the Israeli's turn defeat into victory? Discipline and focus of their troops Decisive use of tanks and aircraft (again) National service meant good reserve army Efficient leadership structure- central command
Give two reasons for the outbreak of the Falklands war 1982 Military government in Argentina invaded the islands Mrs Thatcher decided to win them back
Give two details of the British taskforce Two aircraft carriers (Invisible) Ocean liner QE2 with an infantry brigade on board
Give two examples of warfare technology Nuclear powered submarine HMS Conqueror Sea Harrier (vertical take off and short landings) Argentine Exocet missiles
What is the significance of the Falklands war? British victory despite being outnumbered 3 to 1. Importance of sea power in deciding outcome of a war
Saddam Hussein's Iraq invaded a smaller neighbouring country- which one? Kuwait
Why were the coalition forces justified going into battle? Because Saddam had not responded to the UN deadline
Give some limits to using advanced military technology Only 10% smart bombs used So called "Friendly fire" casualties
Give two positive outcomes of the First Gulf War Coalition victory/ Kuwait liberated/ morally stopping at Iraqi border
Two negative outcomes of the First Gulf war Massive Iraqi casualties. USA retained presence in Saudi Arabia. Osama bin Laden planning retaliation
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