The transformation of surgery


Flashcards on The transformation of surgery , created by Sparkle Shine on 15/12/2015.
Sparkle Shine
Flashcards by Sparkle Shine, updated more than 1 year ago
Sparkle Shine
Created by Sparkle Shine almost 9 years ago

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Question Answer
The Transformation of Surgery ...
What were the three main problems in surgery? -Pain -Blood loss -Infection
What wold be prescribed to deal with pain? Anesthetics
When was Nitrous oxide first discovered and by whom? Humphrey Davy in 1799, then it was re-discovered by Horace Wells in 1844-45
What were some of the problems that came along with the use of nitrous oxide? -It was not effective for all patients -It didn't last that long -It was not strong enough to knock a patient out
What did William Morton discover and in what year? -He discovered the anesthetic Ether in 1846
What were some of the disadvantages to using Ether? -It was mildly explosive -It caused patients to throw up everything in their system -It often irritated the lungs and caused the patients to have coughing fits, even when unconscious -It produced deep sleep which could last for days
Who was the first to use Ether? Robert Liston in a operation which lasted only 26 seconds
Who was James Simpson and what did he discover? What year was this discovery made? -He discovered the use of Chloroform as an anesthetic -1847
Were there any drawbacks or problems that the use of chloroform produced? -The Church was opposed to the use of chloroform as the beliefs were that women were made to suffer during childbirth and it is God's intention -It was very difficult to give the right dose (e.g. Hannah Greener) -There were multiple long term effects (e.g. heart and liver)
How did the use of chloroform become famous? -Both Charles dickens' wife and Queen Victoria (1853) used it during childbirth
Why was there opposition to the use of anesthetics? -Distrust -Religion -Uncertainty -The number of deaths it caused
How was chloroform discovered? James Simpson discovered it whilst at a party, with friends
When was the "Black period" of surgery? 1847-65
Why is it that as the use of anesthetics increased by the 1850s and 1860s the death rates in surgery went up? -Doctors could take more time during the operation as the patient would be asleep leading to the increased chance of infection -Operations could become more complex as the patient would struggle less -More people were willing to have surgery so as the number operations went up, the number of percentages went up
What did Joseph Lister do? In what year was this carried out? -What influenced this discovery? -He used carbolic spray/acid in operations as an antiseptic 1867 two years after the Germ Theory -Pasteur's Germ Theory
What is an antiseptic? A substance that kills and prevents bacteria from growing
What did the use of Carbolic spray mean? -That more surgery was able to be performed
Who was Ignaz semmelweis? 1847-He came up with the idea that doctors were spreading disease by carrying out operations after dissecting corpses. He made them wash their hands and the infection rate reduced His ideas/findings were ignored
How was surgery like before Lister's discovery? -High death rates -This is mainly because anaesthetics were being used, which led to infection -Many would avoid it if possible
-Why did people oppose Lister's discovery? -Lister kept on changing his views -The equipment was very heavy and expensive -It slowed down the operation which led to a higher risk of blood loss -Good results were made even without the use of carbolic spray
What were the impacts of using carbolic spray? -It lead aseptic surgery (which included masks, gloves and aprons) -Death rates decreased -Made skin cracked and sore -Even more complex surgery could be carried out
What is an anticoagulant? -A substance that stops blood from clotting -Often sodium citrate
What led to the first blood banks being set up during WWI? -The discovery that sodium citrate can be used as an anticoagulant -The discovery that citrate glucose solution allows blood to be stored for days after being collected
What happened in 1901? Karl Landsteiner discovered that blood had different groups -Stating that some blood groups are incompatible with others
When did the first blood transfusion take place? And by whom? -1907 -Reuben Ottenberg
What was the main problem with blood transfusions in 1907? -The donor and the patient had to be in the same room
What is a blood transfusion? When blood from one being is transported into another
When were X-rays discovered? And by whom? -1895 -Rontgen
What did Marie Curie do? She developed on the new discovery of x-rays and made them portable
Who was Harold Gillies? -The pioneer of plastic surgery -He invented the tube pedicle
Roughly how many plastic surgery operations were there during the war? 11,000
What factors influenced the development in surgery? -War -Science and Technology -Communications
How did War influence the development of surgery? -The high demand for surgery by the soldiers meant that the doctors could practise their new surgical skills -The suffering from deep wounds caused infection. This is when doctors realised that cutting away infected tissue and soaking it in salt solution was the best way of dealing with it
How did Science help the development of surgery? -The improved understanding of anatomy and physiology -The development of aseptics and anaesthetics encouraged more complex surgery -They began to do internal surgery -Experiments were carried out to find the most effective anaesthetic -The discovery of blood types and ways to store blood -Surgical equipment
How did Technology hep the improvement of surgery? -X-rays -The invention of the hypodermic needle (1853, Alexander Wood) -Carbolic spray
How did communications help the improvement of surgery? -The spread of ideas (e.g Pasteur's Germ Theory which Lister used for his discovery) -Surgeons were able to build their own X-rays because Roentgen published his work without a patent
Who performed the first blood transfusion? Reuben Ottenberg
Who invented the first blood banks? When was this? Oswald Robertson 1917
What was the next stage to tackle, after antiseptics? To prevent the bacteria from growing in the first place: Aseptic surgery
When did Hannah greener die? 1848
Who developed aseptic surgey and in what year? Ernst Bergman kept all equipment clean by sterilisation 1880s
What did Halstead do? Started wearing gloves, masks and caps in 1889
Who discovered that sodium citrate can be used as an anticoagulant? And when? -1915 Richard Lewishon
Who realised the discovery about citrate glucose solution and when? Rous and Turner in 1916
When was the first blood bank opened? And by whom? -1917 -Oswald Robertson
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