Causes Of WWI


Revision of key events and terms
Stephen Hoy
Flashcards by Stephen Hoy, updated more than 1 year ago
Stephen Hoy
Created by Stephen Hoy over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Ship that triggered the Naval Arms Race Dreadnought
Leader of the German Empire Kaiser Wilhelm II
Members of the Triple Alliance Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy (1882)
Organiser of the Triple Alliance Bismarck, Chancellor of Germany
Purpose of the Triple Alliance Isolation of France & Russia
Nature of the Franco-Russian Alliance Reluctant
British Foreign Policy Splendid Isolation
First British Alliance Anglo-Japanese Alliance
The "Friendly Agreement" "Entente Cordiale"
Topic of First Moroccan Crisis Moroccan Independance
Solution to First Moroccan Crisis Algeçiras Conference
Cause of the Bosnian Crisis Austro-Hungarian takeover of Bosnia
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