futher additional biology key words


flash cards for the biology section of the further additional science gcse.
Becca Coulson
Flashcards by Becca Coulson , updated more than 1 year ago
Becca Coulson
Created by Becca Coulson over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
circadian rhythm a rhythm that happens over one day
photoperiodism the way in which organisms respond to changes in day lengths
pasteurisation the technique of heating things and sorting them to kill bacteria
memory lymphocyte a lymphocyte that remains in the blood a long time after an infection or vaccination
monoclonal antibodies many identical antibodies
glomerulus blood flows along the renal arties into the network of capitilaries
filtration ( kidneys ) the tiny holes let small molecules ( water, urea and glucose ) though into the nephron. big molecules ( proteins and blood cells ) stay in the blood
bowman's capsule the part of the kidney tube where blood is filtered
convoluted tubules a part of the kidney where glucose and other useful substances are reabsorbed into the blood.
loop of Henle part of the kidney nephron that loops down and sharply upwards helps with osmoreregulation
osmoregulation is the amount of water absorbed depending on how much water the body needs.
phenotype what an individual looks like.
genotype genetic material of the individual
pathogen an organism that causes disease
vaccination something that contains a vaccine , immunisation
metabolic reaction a chemical reaction that takes place in a living organism
nephron a kidney tubules
gamete a sex cell ( sperm and egg cells )
allele different forms of a gene
behaviour the way in which an animal responds to an external or internal stimuli
reflex an automatic response to a stimulus
innate means inborn, so it is something that you don't have to learn
classical conditioning starts with an innate reflex action, but then the animal learns to respond to a new stimulus in the same way
habitation a kind of learning is 'switching off ' from a repeated stimulus
operant conditioning behaviour that can make something good happen or prevent something bad from happening
social behaviour commutation between members of the same species
imprinting the process in which young animals bind with or become attached to animals or moving objects they ca see immediately
co- evolution the way in which two different species affect each others evolution
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