Schaffer's stages of attachment


My flashcards on Schaffer's stages of attachment
Elise Lambert
Flashcards by Elise Lambert, updated more than 1 year ago
Elise Lambert
Created by Elise Lambert over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
who aimed to investigate the formation of early attachment? Schaffer and Emerson
How many babies did the study involve? 60 babies- 31 male, 29 female
What did the researchers do? They visited the homes every month for the first year and again at 18 months. asked questions about the kind of protests the babies showed to everyday seperations. they also measured stranger anxiety
WHat did Schaffer and Emerson find? between 25 and 32 weeks, 50% of the babies show separation anxiety by 40 weeks 80% had a specific attachment and 30% displayed multiple attachment
What is a strength of Schaffer and Emerson's study? Good external validity- carried out in families homes and done by actual parents during normal activities.
What is another strength of Schaffer and Emerson's study? They did a longitudinal study which has high internal validity because they do not have confounding variables
What is a limitation of Schaffer and Emerson's study? The babies all came from the same district and were mostly working class. This meant that the sample was not generalisable.
what are the stages of attachment? Asocial, indiscriminate, specific, multiple attachments
What is the first stag of attachment? Asocial Stage (first few weeks)
What does the asocial stage entail? -The babies behaviour to humsna and non human objects is similar - Show some preference to familiar adults -happier in the presence of humans
what is the second stage of attachment? Indiscriminate- 2 to 7 months
What does the indiscriminate stage entail? -show preferences to people -recognize and prefer familiar people -accept cuddles from any adult -do not show stranger anxiety
What is the third stage of attachment? Specific attachment- Around 7 months
What does the specific attachment stage entail? -start to display anxiety towards strangers -anxious when adult leaves the room -formed a primary attachment figure
what is the fourth attachment stage? multiple attachments- shorty after 7 months
What does the multiple attachment stage entail? -start to form secondary attachments to people they regularly spend time with
What is a limitation of the stages of attachment? observing the asocial stage is too difficult because there isn't much observable behaviour
What is another limitation for the stages of attachment? There is conflicting evidence on when babies form an attachment. Some say it's after forming a specific attachment and some say the babies form multiple attachments from the offset- especially in collectivist cultures
What is another limitation of the stages of attachment? there is a problem with measuring multiple attachments. Just because the baby gets distressed when a person leaves the room, does not mean they are attachment figures, they could just be playmates.
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