Dates leading up to WW1


Event then date and key words
Marika Rutlin
Flashcards by Marika Rutlin, updated more than 1 year ago
Marika Rutlin
Created by Marika Rutlin over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Triple Entente formed 1907 France, Russia and the UK
Kruger Telegram 1896 Wilhelm II -> Kruger in Transvaal
First Moroccan Crisis 1905-6 Lands at Tangier Algeciras Conference
Second Moroccan Crisis 1911 Revolt in Fez German gunboat
Bosnian Crisis 1908-9 Austria annex Bosnia, international conference refused, recognised by Russia
Balkan Wars 1912-13 Balkan League attack Turkey, Albania created, Serbs attack but withdraw without Russian support
Germany's Naval Laws 1897, 1900, 1906, 1908, and 1912;
Germanys Army laws 1912/13 extend by 20% to 800,000
French Army Laws Aug 1913 conscription 2-> 3 years
Russian Army Laws Dec 1913 add 500,000
War Council Meeting 1912 pro-war: moltke, kaiser anti-war : Tipritz Bethmann didn't attend
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 28th June 1914
'Blank Cheque' 5-6th July 1914 german unconditional support
Serbian reply to Austrian Ultimatum 23rd July 9/10 agreed
Austrian declaration of War on Serbia 28th July
Kaiser returns from holiday 28th July
Partial Russian Mobilisation 29th July
Full Russian Mobilisation 31st July
German declaration of War in Russia 1st August
German declaration of War on France and Belgium invaded 3rd August
Britain declare war on Germany 4th August in protest of Belgium neutrality
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