Magazine Industry - Empire


A-Level Media Studies (Magazines) Flashcards on Magazine Industry - Empire, created by sophiearthurton on 30/05/2016.
Flashcards by sophiearthurton, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sophiearthurton over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the publisher? -Bauer Media.
What genre is the magazine? --It's a specialist film magazine. -"The World's biggest movie magazine".
What is the primary audience of the magazine? -Male. -Aged 18-40 years old. -Employed and time-poor. -In a relationship (not necessarily married). -University educated. -Relaxation-diminished.
What does the magazine offer audiences? -Portability, pick and mix - way of relaxing. -Good for industry as one copy can be read by many. -Offers surveillance. -Two-step flow: use of opinion leaders. -Advertising reflects self-esteem needs e.g. Head and Shoulders adverts.
How does the magazine appeal to audiences? -Eye-catching content. -Direct mode of address. -Two-step flow: leading opinion. -Information-seeking. -Entertainment: use of stars. -Use of celebrities: exclusive interviews with Cate Blanchett.
What is the Dominant response of the magazine? -Decode film specific lexis on the front cover in intended way. Appealing to the niche audience of film fans. -Explorers interested in gaining more knowledge and want to reach self-actualization through that. -Use of stars: Coen Brothers.
What is the Negotiated response of the magazine? -Readers who are interested in stars, rather than the making of the film.
What is the Oppositional response of the magazine? -Have no knowledge of films. -Women may be oppositional due to the fact that it is male orientated, for example features mostly male actors and directors. -Adverts such as Head and Shoulders also aimed at men.
Does Empire have a 'mainstream' audience? -Operates narrow-casting. -Appeals to a niche audience: specialist film magazine - belonging to film sub-genre. -A selection of articles within the text exploring different film genres. -Exclusive content provides film lovers with entertainment and information seeking e.g. exclusive Cate Blanchett interview. -Provides feeling of superiority for the reader.
How successful is the magazine? -Successful to audiences of a niche market. -Circulation figures: 123,453. -Collectors issues. -Success due to creating a brand identity and a repetition for being the 'biggest movie magazine' and therefore a leading opinion.
How is the magazine distributed? -Use of subscription services with special offers included to attract audiences. -Front cover's important: to advertising magazine on newstand - eye catching covers with special editions.
How does the magazine use 'stars' for promotion? -Often but not always on the cover. -Characters from films: the March issue attracts the audience by the use of an image of a renown superhero that features in the famous film, Batman.
What is the magazine's main purpose? -Provides entertainment, celebrity content, film and TV content (link to 'appeal' and offers and audience theory). -Also provides information seeking and sense of personal identity: your own specific interests reflected in the content.
How does the magazine 'target' audiences? -Exclusive content. -Synergy: links to online to market print version. -Use of other platforms such as social media to market film. -Collector's edition cover 2 of 2.
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