

history Flashcards on ww2, created by cho-jones on 27/04/2013.
Flashcards by cho-jones, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cho-jones about 11 years ago

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Question Answer
some of the reasons behind the begining of ww2 was the treaty of Versaille, the rise of hitler,appeasment, america not being in the league of nations the war ended n the battle of berlin where the ussr destroyed berlin and hitler comited suicide
when america went into economical depression it draged the world along with it. People were angry and turned to facist leaders like Mousollini and Hitler. in japan the army took power firstly japan invaded manchuria (a part of china), italy invaded abyssinia (ethiopia). where as hitler expanded germany bringing together austria and germany, the sudetanland and th german speaking parts of czechoslovakia.
the nazis lost the war when the japanease bombed pearl harbour bringing america into the war, the americans beat the japanease in the battle of midway, the british won back the land in africa italy took from the french and when germany couldn't conquer the russia in the battle of stalingrad
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