Ancient China unit 1+2


yr7 History Flashcards on Ancient China unit 1+2, created by Mr Intifada on 21/07/2016.
Mr Intifada
Flashcards by Mr Intifada, updated more than 1 year ago
Mr Intifada
Created by Mr Intifada about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Ancient China UNIT 1
When was Ancient China established? 2200 BC
What was China's rich and complex history shaped by? Both War and philosophy
What is China surrounded by? Natural Barriers
Which barriers are to the north? The Gobi Desert and the Rolling Plains of Mongolia
Which barrier is to the east? The vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean
Which barriers are to the south? The rugged mountain ranges and the steamy jungles of Thailand, Vietnam and Burma
Which barrier is to the west? The Tibetan Plateau
What did these natural barriers help china do? Develop a unique civilization with little influence from other people
Where did the earliest Chinese settlements develop? Along the Yangzi and Yellow rivers
Since what year do some archaeologists believe Chinese were farming? 4500 BC
As the two settlements grew larger, what did they develop into? Two large states
Who were these states controlled by? Warlords
Which title did the warlords eventually claim? King
What did the kings form? A dynasty
When would the transfer of authority usually occur? After the Emperor/Empress died
What was the first dynasty? The Xia dynasty
What are the 5 classics? A group of Confucian texts
What is the Book of Songs? An anthology of poems
What is the Book of Documents A historical record of events from the Xia dynasty to the Zhou dynasty
What is the Book of Changes? A text on fortune-telling
What is The Spring and Autumn Annals? A historical record of the state of Lu from 722 BC to 481 BC
What is the Book of Rites? A text devoted to conducting religious rituals and rites.
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