From Trade To Territory


Hope it helps !
vanshika sinha
Flashcards by vanshika sinha, updated more than 1 year ago
vanshika sinha
Created by vanshika sinha about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Who was the last powerful mughal ruler that died in 1707 ? Aurangjeb
In which form britisher's came to india ? They came as small trading company.
who established west coast of india before english ships? Before, English ships sailed in Indian ocean. Portuguese had already established west coast of India and had their base in Goa.
Who discovered Indian ocean for trade ? By early 17th century, the dutch ships explored the Indian ocean fir trade.
who discovered sea route to india and when ? Vasco Da Gama (Portuguese explorer) discovered sea route to India in 1498.
what India produces and where it has it's market ? India produces fine quality of silk and cotton & have big market in Europe.
what was the way to flourished trading company? by eliminating rival competitors.
where the first english factory set up and when ? it was set up at the banks of river Hugli in 1651.
what are company traders known as ? they were known as factors.
how was the Britisher's settled in kalikata (kolkata)? By 1696, a fort was built around the settlement and the mughal officials were bribed. 1 of the 3 villages kalikata (kolkata) was captured by the company by taking zamindari rights.
what farman was issued by aurangzeb ? to expand the trade a farman was issued granting the company the right to trade duty free.
In between whom there was a conflict and then asserted their power and autonomy ? The company and the nawabs of bengal & bengal nawabs asserted their power...
Tell each of the strong rulers of bengal Murshid Quil Khan V Alivardi Khan V Sirajuddaulah
What bengal nawabs refued to grant ? They refused to grant the company concessions, demanded to pay large tributes for the rights to trade. They denied to mint coins and stoppted expand of it's fortification.
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