APWH - Period1


Image Credits: 1) Tyrian Purple image - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyrian_purple#/media/File:Purpur-mit-Ausfaerbung.png 2) Drop Ocean - courtesty of Alex Hill
Flashcards by C H, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by C H about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
An important difference between Paleolithic and Neolithic periods is: THE RISE OF AGRICULTURE Paleolithic=hunter/gatherer; Neolithic=domestication of plants/animals
1 plant food staple that originates in Sudanic Africa is: sorghum
Two food staples originating in Southwest Asia are: Wheat and barley
3 plant food staples that originate in Sub-saharan Africa are: yams, okra, black eyed peas
1 plant food staple that originates in East Asia is: rice
3 plant food stapes that were cutlivated early in Southeast Asia are: taro, coconuts, yams, breadfruit, bananas, citrus fruits
One of the earliest techniques of clearing land for crops was known as: slash-and-burn cultivation
Plant food staples that were cultivated early on in the Amazon were: manioc, sweet potatoes, peanuts
2 plant food staples that originate in Northeast Asia are: millet and soybeans
Plant food staples that were cultivated early on in Mesoamerica are: maize, beans, peppers, squash, tomatoes
Slash-and-burn cultivation had the unintended effect on early agriculture of: spreading/diffusing different crops and animals
Between hunting/gathering and agriculture, which probably took the most labor on a daily basis? agriculture. (H/G probably only took an average of 4 hours a day)
3 early Neolithic craft industries were: pottery, metallurgy, and textile production
The early rise of agriculture led to what change in human demographics? People were able to stay in one place (and eventually create town/cities)
The beginnings of villages and cities allowed for what change in labor? Specialization of labor
The early rise of towns/cities allowed for what change in people's social behavior? social classes were able to develop
What were two key ways that early cities differed from early towns? 1. They were bigger. 2. They influenced not only the city itself but the surrounding areas.
The term "mesopotamia" means land between the rivers
The two rivers that were key to Mesopotamian civilization were named: Tigris and Euphrates
The term "city-state" means what? The city and the area around it form their own sort of mini-state.
The Chinook, Jomon, and Natufian societies are similar in what way? They are all examples of early Paleolithic settlements that weren't nomadic.
The temple building of Sumerian civilization was called: ziggurat
The early rise of towns/cities allowed for what change in people's social behavior? Social classes were able to develop
How were two ways in which Sargon was different than Hammurabi when it came to governing an early empire? 1. Sargon traveled with military as they roamed around consolidating power. Hammurabi stayed more centralized in Babylon. 2. Sargon taxed as he went, Hammurabi had a consistent and more reliable taxation system that appointed regional governors to rule.
An early Mesopotamian ruler who first centralized authority and appointed governors to be responsible for outlying areas was: Hammurabi
An early Mesopotamian ruler who consolidated and kept power by roving around his empire with his military, taxing as he went, was: Sargon
"Lex talionis" the concept of equal retribution, was characteristic of whose law code? Hammurabi
Were all social classes/genders equal under Hammurabi's law code? If not, who weren't? Women and lower classes did not have the same rights as men and/or nobles.
"Lex talionis" the concept of equal retribution, was characteristic of whose law code? Hammurabi
Were all social classes/genders equal under Hammurabi's law code? If not, who weren't? Women and lower classes did not have the same rights as men and/or nobles.
How did Hammurabi's law code benefit his empire CULTURALLY? It created a unifying code that was shared by everyone, no matter of their cultural background. In that way it because a unifying part of the culture.
Assyrians made use of two military advancements that they borrowed from the Hittites. What were they? 1) The fast chariot and 2) the use of iron in weapons.
What did the Assyrians strengthen the quality of their officers? By promoting by merit rather than social position
The Assryian king Assurbanipal had a library that, among other documents, kept a record of which important ancient epic? The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Mesopotamian system of writing was called cuneiform
Tin and ______________ were alloyed to make bronze, an upgraded metal. Copper
Iron metallurgy diffused to Mesopotamia from where? Anatolia or the Hittite civilization
Name 2 advantages that the invention of the Wheel provided 1) Long distance trade 2) military advances
Name 2 areas that the Sumerians traded with, and what they traded for: Possible answers: 1)India (semiprecious stones, ivory, copper, pearls), 2)Egypt (gold) 3) Anatolia (silver) 4) Arabia (copper) 5) Lebanon (cedar wood) 6) Persia (tin) 7) Afghanistan (lapis lazuli)
List 2 of the roles of temples in Sumerian society Possible answers: 1)Functioned as banks 2) Provided food or money in emergencies 3) Priests appeased the gods 4) Took in orphans
Slaves in Sumerian society could become slaves in 3 common ways: 1) Prisoners of war 2)Convicted Criminals 3)Selling oneself to pay off debts
Some of the jobs women could have in Sumerian society were: (name 2) 1) tavern-keepers 2)scribes 3)craftswomen 4) occasionally priestesses
One of the biggest religious impacts that the Hebrews had on the world was the concept of______________: monotheism
The Hebrews were eventually enslaved by what two empires? The northern kingdom by the Assyrians; the southern kingdom by the New Babylonian empire
True/False: The Phoenecians excelled at farming and was how they raised most of their money. False: They were primarily sea traders (although they did farm as well)
One important cultural innovation that the Phoenicians eventually diffused to the Greeks (and later Romans) was: An early form of our our modern alphabet
One trading good that the cities of Phoenicia were well-known for was: the purple dye made from mollusks
The Indo-European language group probably originally started in what part of the world? Ukraine/Southern Russia area
What was a major difference betwee the Indo-European groups that went WEST and those that went SOUTH? The southern groups were more likely to start empires and larger civilizations while the Western ones tended to stay in smaller groups that didn't consolidate in the same way.
The Hittites of Anatolia were known for their improvement of what two existing technologies? 1) The chariot 2) iron metallurgy
Early Egypt faced less threat from external sources than Mesopotamia because of its: Natural barriers to invasion (Medit. Sea, Red Sea, desert)
Compared to the Nubians, the Egyptians were able to benefit more from the Nile because: Egypt had a floodplain that allowed the silt carried by the Nile to be deposited over a larger area, therefore fertilizing more land.
Early Egypt and Sumerian city-states shared what similar trait regarding their king/pharaoh and religion? They originally both viewed their leaders as divide or semi-divine.
The first leader to unify Egypt was called Menes
List the four periods of early Egyptian history in order. Archaic Period, Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom
The pharoahs were most powerful during which two periods of early Egyptian history? Archaic Period and Old Kingdom
The pyramids of Egypt were created during which period of early Egyptian history? The Old Kingdom
In early Egyptian history the Egyptians were intersted in trading for what resources in Nubia? Gold, Ebony, Ivory
The Hyksos people arrived in Egypt at the END of which period? The Middle Kingdom.
The foreign people that arrived in and conquered Egypt at the end of the Middle Kingdom were called: The Hyksos
Two key technologies of the Hyksos brought with them and later diffused to Egypt were: The chariot and bronze weapons. (Also horses)
The New Kingdom is characterized by: Expansion into Palestine, Arabia,and Nubia; Also smaller-scale architectural buildings (compared to pyramids)
Who were invaders of Egypt between the end of the New Kingdom and the 600 B.C.E? Nubia invaded (included calling ruler "Pharoah"), also Assyrians
Two the major cities of the Harrapan society were: 1)Harrapa 2) Mohenjo Daro
What is one key difference between the Nile and the Indus rivers? Nile is stable and reliable, but Indus can sometimes cause devastating floods
True/False: The Aryans conquered the Harrappan peoples. False. Harrapan civilization was already severely weakened or gone when the Aryans arrived.
The Aryans came from which group? Indo-European language group
The Aryans measured their wealth by: Cattle
The early sacred texts of the Aryans were called: The Vedas
Iron tools allowed the Aryans to settle what area of India? The Ganges River valley (b/c iron allowed for clearing of denser forest/jungle growth in the valley)
the term "varna" refers to: The beginning of the caste system by the Arians, apparently based on skin color.
The four varnas of the Aryans were: Brahmins (priests); Kshatriyas (warriors and aristocrats); voishyas (farmers, artisans, merchants); shudras (landless peasants and serfs)
"Jati" refers to what? The subcastes that later developed in the caste system
Compared to Egypt, how was India in regards to gender equality? India was much more patriarchal than Egypt. Women were much more dependent on men and not allowed to have some jobs that they would have been able to have in Egypt.
"Sati" refers to what? The practice of a widow throwing herself on her husband's funeral pyre to join him in death.
The chief Aryan god was named: Indra
A series of teachings that came later in the Vedic age and referred to sitting in front of a teacher were called: The Upanishads
"Brahman" refers to: The universal soul that all creatures are a part of.
One key way the Aryan view of death different from Egyptian/Mesopotamain view was: Aryans and later Indians viewed reincarnation as possible.
True/False: Once you were a part of a specific jati you could never change False. Although changing jati was difficult, it was possible, and often happened as an entire jati group.
True/False: The Upanishads taught that "Moksha" was the goal of reincarnation TRUE "Moksha" or a sort of unity with the universal spirit was the goal.
The concept of "moksha" was what? Moksha was the joining of the universal soal (brahman) where you stopped reincarnating.
Moksha, as described in the Upanishads was achieved through which two ways? 1) Meditation and 2) Asceticism
The earliest civilizations in China developed around what river? The Yellow River
Chinese civilizations eventually started moving south from the Yellow River to what other river area? The Yangzi River
List the first three Chinese dynasties in chronological order Xia, Shang, Zhou
The rise of ancestor worship is associated with which Chinese dynasty? The Xia
The monopolization of bronze production is associated with which Chinese dynasty? The Shang
Oracle bones give us a large portion of the information we have about which Chinese dynasty? The Shang
This pounded earth structure is associated with which people group? The Chinese
The idea that disasters and problems on earth can show the displeasure of the cosmos toward earthly leadership is called ______________________. The Mandate of Heaven
The Zhou eventually lost effective power over their land due to what? Local leaders gaining power and Zhou leadership not being able to hold a strong centralized state.
The rise of which type of metallurgy helped local leaders build up private armies to counter Zhou orders? Iron
The end of the Zhou dynasty is known as the era of ________________________ The Warring States
Did the Chinese have to wait until the development of iron metallurgy to develop agriculture in the Yellow River area? No, the ground was soft enough to not need iron.
Was the Yellow River most similar to the Indus River, Nile, or Tigris/Euphrates river? (Explain) Similar to Tigris in terms of random, dangerous flooding. Similar to Nile in very fertile and easy to cultivate without metal tools.
True/False: The Chinese started sailing to other areas during the Zhou period False. Possibly Xia, but for sure the Shang era.
How was Fu Hao similar to Hapshehut? Both showed strong political/military leadership in tradionally patriarchal societies. (China & Egypt)
"tian" refers to what concept? The idea of "heaven" as a cosmic justice force.
Describe the relationship of the nomaic peoples living on the steppes of Central Asia with the Chinese during early Chinese history. They alternated between "trading and raiding"
What technology allowed the Bantu to leave their river civilizations and begin to move into the dense jungles of central Africa? Iron metallurgy allowed for more effective clearing of forests to establish agriculture.
The Chavin cult was tied to the rise of which resource? Maize
The lack of the development of the wheel in Mesoamerica was due to what two factors? 1) Jungle terrain 2) lack of large, domesticated animals to pull wheeled vehicles
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