First Civilizations


History (Unit 1) Flashcards on First Civilizations, created by Hannah B on 01/10/2016.
Hannah B
Flashcards by Hannah B, updated more than 1 year ago
Hannah B
Created by Hannah B almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is ‘civilization’? an established population w/ a steady source of food, water and other goods
What are the key characteristics of civilization? 1. Advanced cities 2. Specialized workers 3. Complex institutions 4. Advanced technology 5. Record keeping
How did humans evolve from hunter-gatherers to farmers to city-dwellers? Hunter- gatherers to farmers: - agricultural revolution (food producing) - Slash-burn-farming Farmers to city-dwellers: - new tools, arts/crafts (wheel/sail) - technology to control environment - social classes/organized religions
Catal Huyuk - Is it a civilization? Agricultural Villiage - raised livestock - grew crops -skilled workers (potters/weavers) - cultural life - wall paintings - disease, fire, flood, drought, neighbors attack
Evidence: What's the difference between reliable and useful evidence Reliability - Trustworthy information Usefulness - relevant information/amount of information
Who were the Indo-Europeans? Group of nomadic peoples - came from the steppes (dry grasslands that stretched north of the Caucasus) Languages - English, Spanish, Persian and Hindi can all trace their roots back
How did the Hittite Empire begin and end? 1650 - 1190 BCE - Succeeded militarily - iron weapons, first to develop iron technology Ended because tribes burned down capital
How did the Minoan Civilization begin and end? 2000 - 1400 BCE - agriculture, advanced cities, artwork - peaceful - no invaders 1200 BCE - earthquakes/volcanoes - never recovered, invaded from Greece
Who were the Aryans? What is the caste system? Aryans - came from between Caspian/Aral sea - migrated to Indus River Valley in India Caste System - four groups (varnas) - Priests, warriors, traders/landowners, peasants/traders - bottom of caste - known as "untouchables"
What were the major achievements of the Phoenicians? 1. creation of the alphabet 2. First people to travel farther than Strait of Gibraltar
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