DE100 - Investigating Methods chapter 1, week 6


BSc DE100 Investigating Psychology (Investigating Methods) Flashcards on DE100 - Investigating Methods chapter 1, week 6, created by Anneliese Shaw on 21/10/2016.
Anneliese Shaw
Flashcards by Anneliese Shaw, updated more than 1 year ago
Anneliese Shaw
Created by Anneliese Shaw almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Research Question A carefully worded question stating precisely what a researcher is trying to find out in a study
Rigour A careful and thorough approach to methods and argument. To work with systemic integrity
Quantitative Methods Methods which generate data that can be measured, counted or expressed in numerical terms
Cognitive Psychology The study of internal mental processes such as persception, attention, etc.
Measurement To apply a numerical measure according to a fixed, defined rule.
Standardisation The process of ensuring that all participants undergo the same treatment and that all data are recorded in the same way.
Objectivity Judgement based on observable phenomena and without the influence of personal opinion, emotion or bias
Qualitative Methods Methods which generate data that are not in numerical form. eg interviews and written text.
Structured Interview Asking the same questions of all participants, in the same order
semi-structured interviews Questions are prepared in advance but the interviewer may ask additional questions during the interview in response to the participants comments.
Unstructured Interviews These are the most flexible, beginning with a provisional list of questions which will be adapted to each participant, suiting details as they unfold.
Ethnography A research approach where the researcher carries out extensive observations of a group through being involved in its activities over a period of time.
Subjectivity Knowledge and understanding arising from personal involvement and experience.
Hypothesis A researcher's prediction about what will happen when a quantitative study is conducted.
Pseudo-sciences The appearance of scientific methods but lacking in proper application of those methods.
Self-report Any method of collection data that asks participants to supply information about themselves.
Demand effects The effects on behaviour when participants are aware of taking part in research and adapt their behaviour as a consequence.
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