Biological approach


Evie Horne
Flashcards by Evie Horne, updated more than 1 year ago
Evie Horne
Created by Evie Horne almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the biological assumptions? Evolutionary influences Localisation of Brain Function Neurotransmitters
What are evolutionary Influences? Natural selection.. Adaptive characteristics
How do these affect a persons behaviourisms or characteristics? They mean that a person will act in ways that will ensure the survival of their own gene pool.
What is localisation of the brain? The way the brain is organised basically.
What are the names of the areas of brain and what do they control? Parietal lobe - sensory information occipital lobe - visual processing temporal lobe - memory and auditory processing frontal lobe - thinking and crreativitive
what are Broca and Wernickes areas? Brocas - affects speech production - language problems Wernickes - Unable to understand language
What are neutrotransmitters? they are chemicals that send messages. They travel across synapses.
High levels of what neurotransmitter causes schizophrenia? Dopamine
Low levels of what neurotransmitter causes anxiety? dopamine
High levels of what neurotransmitter causes happiness happiness
low levels of what neurotransmitters cause depression dopamine and serotonin
high levels of what neurotransmitters cause love? serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin
What neurotransmitters induce a fight or flight response? Fight - noradrenaline flight - adrenaline
What was the therapy for the biological approach? Psychosurgery.
the first modern psychosurgery technique was the pre-frontal lobotomy, developed in the 1930s as a cure for schizophrenia and other disorders where patients were aggressive and unmanageable. Lobotomies involved destroying areas of the pre-frontal cortex that are involved in planning and free will, with the result that lobotomised patients became compliant, less aggressive and easy to control.
Modern psychosurgery. very small numbers.
evaluation of psychosurgery. high success rates
ethics in psychosurgery. fatality rate 6% irreversible psychological harm afterwards informed consent was not always given
Positives of biological approach scientific applications deterministic
Negatives of biological approach nature v nurture individual differences
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