Business Unit 1: Recruitment And Training


I'm not going to pretend I know what i'm doing
james kelt
Flashcards by james kelt, updated more than 1 year ago
james kelt
Created by james kelt over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Recruitment Is the act of attracting people to join or support a certain cause or organisation
Internal Recruitment is when a position is filled by people that already work or are known to the company, for example a promotion.
External Recruitment Is recruiting new people to join the company, they may bring new ideas but might not fit into the company or may take a long time adapting to its values.
Training is the act of learning or practicing a skill or behavior to achieve a goal or criteria
Motivation is a reason for doing what you do. It can be used to increase the productivity of workers . Motivation can be used in the recruitment process to entice the applicant to take a deal
Job Description is the document that contains a job's duties, title, pay and requirements.
Productivity Is the effectiveness of a single or group of workers, it is judged on the output over a period of time.
Discrimination Is when you deny job opportunities to a person based on their sex, race, age or origin
Working Hours Are included in the Job Description and are protected by an EU Legislation and the maximum average time you can work a day is 8 hours.
Legislation A law or set of laws passed by a governing body.
Induction Training is the training given to a new employee when they first join to allow them to fulfill their job
Curriculum Vitae (or CV) is a overview of a person's experiences and qualifications. This is given to the employer in the application process.
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