Consolidation of power HVII


A level History (Henry VII, 1485-1509) Flashcards on Consolidation of power HVII, created by Robin Connolly on 12/04/2017.
Robin Connolly
Flashcards by Robin Connolly, updated more than 1 year ago
Robin Connolly
Created by Robin Connolly over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When did Henry Tudor become King of England? Battle of Bosworth 22 August 1485
Why was Henry's position insecure? - Little discernible claim to the throne - Many enemies who disagreed with his position - Usurper - Yorkists had the majority in the north
Where had Henry lived before he came to England? The Court of Brittany
Why had Henry lived at the court of Brittany? His claim as Lancastrian air made him vulnerable and so Jasper Tudor, Earl of Pembroke had him sent to France for his own safety
How did Henry reward his supporters? Publicly, eg awarding 11 knighthoods
When did Henry date his reign and why was this important? Dated from 21 August 1485, the day before the battle of Bosworth. This ensure that anyone fighting on the Yorkist side of the battle could be declared as a traitor
What did Henry do with Elizabeth of Yok and Edward IV? Arranged for them to be detained, as they could both be seen as having a stronger claim to the throne than him
How did Henry consolidate power through the household? Made his key appointments, eg making Sir Reginald Bray Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Sir William Stanley Chamberlain of the Household
When did Henry arrange his coronation for and why was it significant? 30 October before the meeting of his first parliament on 7 November. This was before the first meeting of parliament and demonstrated that his right to the throne was through hereditary right not parliamentary sanction
How did Henry use acts of attainder and tonnage and poundage to consolidate power? Passed acts of attainder against Yorkists who fought at Bosworth, ensuring their property was forfeited to the crown, which increased the royal income. He was also granted tonnage and poundage by parliament, also increasing income
How did Henry use dynastic tactics to consolidate power? January 1486, he married Elizabeth of York, daughter of Edward IV. This asserted his claim to the throne was not influenced by his marriage
How was consolidation furthered after Henry's marriage In September 1489, Henry's heir, Arthur was born
How was Henry regarded by the YOrkists? They saw him as a usurper
Who were the potential claimants to the throne? The earls of Warwick and Lincoln, sons of Edward IV and pretenders who were acting as the Prince's in the tower who had gone missing
Who's influence did Henry fear the most? Margaret of Burgundy, sister of Edward IV and Richard III, who had access to the funds to support a Yorkist claimant
What was the first uprising of Henry VII's reign? Viscount Lovell and the Staffords
When was the uprising of Viscount Lovell and the Staffords? Easter 1486
What happened during the uprising of Viscount Lovell and the Staffords? Lovell tried to raise a rebellion in the North Riding of Yorkshire, the heartland of support for Richard III. Simultaneously Stafford tried to raise support in the west midlands
What happened to Viscount Lovell and Humphrey Stafford? Rebellion quickly supressed. Lovell escaped but Stafford was captured and executed
Who was Lambert Simnel? A boy from Oxford, tutored in courtly manners by Richard Symonds. Initially impersonated Richard, Duke of York (one of the Princes in the Tower). Switched to impersonating the Earl of Warwick
Which country crowned Simnel as their king and when? Ireland in May 1487
Who was pulling the strings behind Lambert Simnel's impersonation? John de le Pole, the Earl of Lincoln
How did Henry respond to the impersonation? Had the real Earl of Warwick exhibited in London for all to see. This made Earl of Lincoln flee from the court of Henry, to the court of Margaret of Burgundy, along with Lovell
Who supported the Lambert Simnel plot? Margaret of Burgundy in the Netherlands supported a group of mercenaries
How did Henry coordinate his response to Lambert Simnel? Henry had a lot of notice and so time to plan his response. Henry reinstated the Earl of Northumberland (who had led a portion of Richard III's army). This neutralised the power base in the north and kept the Howard family on Henry's side. Also reinforced coastal defenses in East Anglia
When was the Battle of Stoke Field? 1487
How did Henry gather his army for the Battle of Stoke Field? Gathered a group of advisers who had been victims of Richard III in the south Midlands
Describe the Battle of Stoke FIeld? Two armies met at East Stoke. Henry's army was led efficiently by the Earl of Oxford, with Lincoln being killed in battle after being unable to add to mercenaries
Why was Henry's victory important? - Brought a true end to the Wars of the Roses - Henry's position became safer - Bonds of good behavior started to be used
When was the Perkin Warbeck rebellion? 1491 - 1499
Who was Perkin Warbeck? A Breton silk merchant. In Ireland they believed him to be the earl of Warwick, however he claimed himself to be Richard, Duke of York – one of the princes in the Tower
Who does Professor S B Chrimes believe was behind the Perkin Warbeck imposture? Charles VIII of France and Margaret of Burgundy
How was Warbeck received internationally? Charles VIII welcomed Warbeck to Paris in 1492. From Paris he moved to Flanders where Margaret of Burgundy took him in as her nephew. Warbeck then gained another supporter – the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian. Such a powerful backer greatly increased the pressure on Henry. However Maximilian had little power in England and Charles lost interest, instead focusing on northern Italy
Why did the Warbeck rebellion fail\/ In 1496 a small Scottish force crossed the border but quickly retreated. He also tried to exploit vulnerabilities during the Cornish rebellion 1497 but failed and surrendered
How did Henry punish Warbeck? Henry was lenient at first however Warbeck tried to abscond and so he was imprisoned in the tower. He was accused of treason, tried and executed along with the earl of Warwick
Over all, how successful was Henry in consolidating his power? - Successful in the short term - Stabilised the dynasty - Success due to his own qualities and actions - Henry wasn't left unchangeable
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