Causes of the Hungarian Uprising 1956


The causes and effects of the Hungarian revolution
Flashcards by Aimhigh123, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Aimhigh123 over 10 years ago

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Question Answer
The Hungarians were patriotic, and they hated Russian control, especially Russian control of the economy, which had made Hungary poor. Russia had taken a huge amount of resources from the Hungarian economy. In the first time in living memory there was a shortage of potatoes. The living standards that were portrayed by the propaganda machine did not reflect the bitter harsh realities of soviet controlled Hungary
The Hungarians were religious, but the Communist Party had banned religion, and imprisoned Cardinal Mindszenty.
Khrushchev's policy of 'de-Stalinisation' caused problems in many Eastern European Communist countries, where people hated the hard-line Stalinist regimes that Russia had put in place
The Hungarians were patriotic, and they hated Russian control, especially: The secret police called the AVH in Hungary. The people of Hungary were afraid that the AVH might turn up in the middle of the night and take them to the concentration camps
The Hungarians were patriotic, and they hated Russian control, especially: Russian control of what the schools taught.
The Hungarians were patriotic, and they hated Russian control, especially: Censorship and lack of freedom.The people of Hungary were forced to speak Russian
US president, Eisenhower Hungarians thought that the new president, US president,Eisenhower would help them
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