GCSE HISTORY: Was the Weimar Republic doomed from the start?


History Flashcards on GCSE HISTORY: Was the Weimar Republic doomed from the start?, created by meggyloulou11 on 13/05/2014.
Flashcards by meggyloulou11, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by meggyloulou11 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What were the 3 main problems of 1923? Hyper-inflation Invasion of the Ruhr Political Violence
Who were the November Criminals? Politicians who signed the armistice to end WW1
What did the Treaty of Versailles say should happen to the German army? Should be cut with no air force and no navy
What was the Munich Putsch? Event when Hitler attempted to seize power using force
Which was the other main political threat to the Weimar government other than then Nazi Party? The communists
What was the name of the German politician who made many improvements to the German economy? Gustav Stesemann
What policies were introduced to solve the problem of hyper-inflation? Invent a new currency and borrow money from America under the Dawes Plan
What was passive resistance in the Ruhr? German people refused to cooperate making life very difficult for the occupying French troops
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