The Civil War


KS3 History Flashcards on The Civil War, created by AlexFitton on 14/05/2014.
Flashcards by AlexFitton, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by AlexFitton over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Charles I Charles believed in The Divine Right of Kings - he believed he had the absolute right to rule over the country. He made himself very unpopular with the British Parliament and disliked them so much he decided to rule for 11 years, without contacting Parliament - this period is known as the 11Year Rule He married a Catholic woman called Henrietta Maria, which caused a lot of religious disturbances throughout England Charles also attempted to arrest 5 of the biggest MPs in England, this made him unpopular As well as this, Charles' appointing of important English posts went to the wrong people, such as his employment of Catholics
Civil War Facts It began on 22nd August 1642 250,000 people were killed You were forced to choose to fight for the Royalists or the Parliamentarians
Causes of The Civil War: Religious 17th Century England was an interesting time for religion. With each passing monarch, England's religious allegiances changed. At the time of the Civil War, England was Protestant and Catholics were hated. This is why people were very angry to hear that Charles was marrying a Catholic. During his 11 Year Rule, Charles appointed William Laud (Catholic) as Archbishop of Canterbury Laud made many changes to the Church of England, which made a lot of people very angry against Charles and Laud
Causes of The Civil War: Political During the period leading up to The Civil War, both King and Parliament were becoming increasingly powerful. Charles was a believer in The Divine Right of King, meaning he had the right to rule over all of England This led to lots of Parliamentary quarrels, eventually finishing with Charles' 11 Year Rule However, upon his return, he was forced to sign two documents: The Grand Remonstrance and The 19 Propositions, stating that Charles was a law-abider like everyone else
Causes of The Civil War: Economical At the time of The Civil War, the crown was in a lot of debt Parliament controlled the taxes and a King couldn't afford to run the country on his own, however instead of returning to the government, Charles decided to give rebirth to old taxes; such as Ship Money. This made people very angry Charles also sold Knighthoods, Monopolies and forced people to loan him money This of course made both Parliament and English citizens very angry
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